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Регуляризация двумерной сингулярно возмущенной параболической задачи / Regularization of a Two-Dimensional Singularly Perturbed Parabolic Problem


Article | 2006 | Журнал вычислительной математики и математической физики / Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics46 ( 8 )

Строится регуляризованная асимптотика решения сингулярно возмущенной двумерной параболической задачи в областях с угловыми точками границы. Асимптотика решения таких задач содержит как обыкновенные погранслойные функции, так и параболические погранслойные функции и их произведения, которые описывают угловой пограничный слой.

Orta Asya'da Doğrudan Yabancı Sermaye Yatırımları: Politikaları, Stratejileri ve Teşvikler Üzerine Değerlendirme


Article | 2006 | Çukurova Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi15 ( 2 )

Zayıf ekonomilerin daha kırılgan bir yapıda oluşu, açıkların fonlanmasında zaman zaman sorunlar yaratmakta ve ekonomilerin sıklıkla finans ve ödemeler bilançosu krizleri yaşamasına sebebiyet vermektedir. Kriz deneyimleri ışığında, çoğu ülke, tasarruf ve döviz açığını krizlere yol açan akışkan fonlamayla değil, daha sağlam ve ekonomiye daha fazla yarar sağlayan doğrudan yabancı sermaye çekmekle karşılamaya yönelik politika arayışına yönelmiştir. Bu noktada, doğrudan yabancı sermaye çekme çabaları da doğrudan yabancı sermaye belirleyicileri adı altında bir literatürün doğmasına neden olmuştur. Dolayısıyla bu çalışmada Azerbaycan, Erme . . .nistan, Gürcistan, Kazakistan, Kırgızistan, Tacikistan, Türkmenistan gibi Merkezi ve Batı Asya geçiş ekonomilerden yedi ülke ele alınarak az gelişmiş ve geçiş sürecindeki ekonomilerde Doğrudan Yabancı Sermaye Yatırımlarının etkileri araştırılmıştır. Hem siyasal hem de ekonomik anlamda liberalizasyon uygulamaları içerisinde olan geçiş ekonomilerinin bir kısmında, doğrudan yabancı sermaye belirleyicilerinden hangisinin daha önemli olduğu belirlenmeye çalışılmıştır. The fact that weak economies are more fragile creates problems in funding these gaps from time to time and often leads to financial and balance of payment crisis in economies. In light of crisis experiences many countries tended to finance the savings and foreign exchange gaps with direct foreign capitals sounder and more useful for the economy rather than fluid funds leading to crisis. These efforts of attracting direct foreign capital inflows have given rise to the literature of determinants of direct foreign capital. In this respect, this study searches into the effects of direct foreign capital investments on developing and transition economies, examining seven Central and Western Asia transition economies, namely Azerbaijan, Georgia, Armenia, Kazakstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Turkmenstan. This study tries to determine which ones are more important among the determinants of direct foreign capital for some transition economies experiencing both economic and political liberalisation More less

Türk Harf Devriminin Halka Tanıtımı Çalışmaları = Publicity of Turkish Alphabet Revolution

Elif Asude TUNCA

Article | 2006 | Mersin Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi2 ( 2 )

Türk devrimleri içerisinde en dikkate değer olanı ve Türk dilinin, bilim ve kültürünün gelişmesinde temel yapı taşı görevi göreni; dil üzerine yapılan düzenlemeler ve Harf Devrimi olmuştur. Bu çalışma, kültürel devrimlerimizden en önemlisi olan yeni Türk harflerinin kabulü ve Dil Devriminin, tanıtım çerçevesinde; Türk halkına tanıtımı ve doğu ve batı ülkelerince nasıl irdelendiği bilgilerini içermektedir. The most remarkable revolution of all the Turkish cultural revolutions, without doubt is the alphabet revolution. This article consists of the information about how this amazing reform was introduced to Turkish citizens by the Lang . . .uage Commission at the initiative of Atatürk and what kind of reactions were received from foreign countries More less

Регуляризация и единственность решений линейных интегральных уравнений вольтерра-стильтьеса первого рода на полуоси


Article | 2006 | Zhurnal Srednevolzhskogo Matematicheskogo Obshchestva / Журнал Средневолжского математического общества4 ( 1 )

В данной статье рассмотрено линейное интегральное уравнение Вольтерра-Стильтьеса первого рода на полуоси. Для решения этого уравнения построен регуляризирующий оператор и доказана теорема единственности

A study upon the relationship of literature and the language = Edebiyatın Dili Üzerine

Mehmet AYDIN

Article | 2006 | Milli Eğitim ( 169 )

Edebiyatın malzemesinin dil olduğu bilinmektedir. Ancak edebiyatta dil nasıl kullanılır? Edebiyat dili ile günlük dil arasında ne tür bir ilişki vardır? Bu sorular pek çok defa sorulmuştur. Bazen bu sorulara farklı cevaplar verildiği hâlde bazı ortak sonuçlara da ulaşılmıştır. Edebiyat ve gerçeklik ilişkisi epey tartışılmıştır. Edebiyatta gerçeklik izlenimi de dil yoluyla sağlanmaktadır. Ayrıca edebiyat metnini öteki metinlerden farklı yapan yanlar da vardır. Bu farklılık da büyük ölçüde dilin kullanımında yatmaktadır. Ayrıca edebiyat eğitiminde kullanılan dil üzerinde de durulmuştur. Gerçekte edebiyat eğitiminin dili geniş çaplı bi . . .r tartışmanın konusudur. Edebî metinler üzerine kurulmuş inceleme metinlerinde de buna uygun bir dilin kullanılması gerektiği vurgulanmıştır. Anahtar Sözcükler: Edebiyat ile dil ilişkisi, edebiyat dili, edebî gerçeklik It is a fact that the language is the major factor of the literature. And how is the language used in literature? What type of relationship is available between the literary and daily language? Many questions regarding the subject like this have been asked. Although different answers have been given to such questions and reached some comman results on the issues.The relationship between literature and reality has been discussed for a long time of period. The reality in literature has been realized by the language itself. On the other hand, there are different uncommon sides of literature that differ from unliterary texts. This kind of difference is hidden mainly in the usage of the language. In this study the usage of language has been conducted in teaching the literature itself, too. In reality, the language of teaching literature itself is a subject of a serious discussion. In this study the necesscity of the usage of a suitable language upon the sellected texts has been focused on for research for literary texts. Key Words: Relationship between literature and language, literary language, literary realit More less

Seismogenic destruction of the Kamenka medieval fortress, northern Issyk-Kul region, Tien Shan (Kyrgyzstan)


Article | 2006 | Journal of Seismology10 ( 4 )

A paleoseismological study of the medieval Kamenka fortress in the northern part of the Issyk-Kul Lake depression, northern Tien Shan in Kyrgyzstan, revealed an oblique slip thrust fault scarp offsetting the fortification walls. This 700 m long scarp is not related to the 1911 Kebin Earthquake (Ms 8.2) fault scarps which are widespread in the region. As analysis of stratigraphy in a paleoseismic trench and archaeological evidence reveal, it can be assigned to a major twelfth century a.d. earthquake which produced up to 4 m of oblique slip thrusting antithetic to that of the nearby dominant faults. The inferred surface rupturing eart . . .hquake apparently caused the fortress destruction and was likely the primary reason for its abandonment, not the Mongolian–Tatar invasions as previously thought. - Key words: archaeoseismology fault-scarp fortress castle surface fault reverse fault decline Mongol–Tatar invasion Issyk-Kul Lake Tien Shan, Kyrgyzstan More less

Regularization of a two-dimensional singularly perturbed parabolic problem


Article | 2006 | Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics46 ( 8 )

A regularized asymptotic expansion of the solution to a singularly perturbed two-dimensional parabolic problem in domains with boundaries containing corner points is constructed. The asymptotics of solutions to such problems contain ordinary boundary-layer functions, parabolic boundary-layer functions, and their products, which describe a corner boundary layer. - Keywords: singularly perturbed parabolic problems parabolic boundary layer regularized asymptotics

A case study of foreign direct investment in Kyrgyzstan

İbrahim KELEŞ

Article | 2006 | Central Asian Survey25 ( 1-2 )

For developing or poor countries that do not have substantial natural resources that can be used in their economic development, foreign direct investment (FDI) may play an important role considering the inability of such countries to modernize their industries and produce industrialized products. One the benefits of FDI is the opportunity for local firms to learn from experiences and capabilities of foreign firms. Kyrgyzstan is a poor and newly independent country of the former Soviet Union (FSU). This region is one of the last areas to which foreign investments have been flowing. Garibaldi et al. state that 'foreign investment flow . . .s toward the region are in the form [of] FDI mostly and portfolio investments are scarce'.(1) Since the early 1990s, FDI has been active in the region with different motives and multitudes.(2) Kyrgyzstan has a relatively small market compared to others in the region and, unlike Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, it does not have any large natural resources such as oil, natural gas and rich minerals. The aim of this study is to analyse FDI characteristics in Kyrgyzstan in a case study context and to provide suggestions for FDI issues. As we explain in a detailed manner in the research methodology section, many difficulties prevented us from implementing a wide ranging survey through mail questionnaires. The study specifically examines first, the importance of company and host countryspecific factors in FDI decisions; second, it deals with the drawbacks of operating in the region by studying corruption, the effect of which on company performance is the third major concern of the study More less

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