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Determination of Moisture Transport Parameters of Some Fruits Under Open Sun Drying Conditions

İnci Türk TOĞRUL | Hasan TOĞRUL

Article | 2007 | International Journal of Green Energy4 ( 4 )

In order to determine the behavior of fruits during drying under natural conditions, open sun drying experiments were conducted on apricots, grapes, peaches, figs, and plums. The drying rate curves of these fruit did not contain constant rate period, but showed a falling rate period. In the present work, Biot numbers and the mass transfer characteristics—namely moisture diffusivity and moisture transfer coefficient—of selected fruits were evaluated by drying coefficients (S) and lag factors (G). The experimental results exhibited mass transfer Biot numbers in the range of 0.115–0.158, thus indicating the presence of finite internal . . .and external resistances. - Keywords: Fruits, Open sun drying, Biot number, Moisture diffusivity, Moisture transfer coefficien More less

Применение флуоресцентной спектроскопии для оценки качества термически обработанного молока = Application of fluorescent spectroscopy to estimation of quality of heat-treated milk


Article | 2007 | Хранение и переработка сельхозсырья ( 12 )

Продемонстрирована возможность применения флуоресцентной спектроскопии для получения информации о физико-химических свойствах и качестве термически обработанного молока посредством одновременного определения содержания фурозина и лактулозы. Сравнение полученных результатов с результатами стандартных методов показало высокую корелляцию между ними. Таким образом, доказано, что флуоресцентная спектроскопия - относительно дешевый, быстрый и неразрушающий метод, может заменить аналитические методы, применяемые в настоящее время для оценки качества молочных продуктов. It was shown that fluorescence method can be applied to obtain a valuab . . .le information on physicochemical properties and quality of heat-treated milk by means of measuring furosine and lactulose content simultaneously. The results obtained were compared with that of the reference methods and high correlation between the methods were found. It was proved that the fluorescence technique being relatively low-cost, rapid and non-destructive could replace existing conventional analytical techniques practiced for evaluation of quality of dairy products. More less

Асимптотика решения временно́го уравнения Шрёдингера с малой константой Планка = Asymptotics of Solutions to the Time-Dependent Schrödinger Equation With a Small Planck Constant


Article | 2007 | Журнал вычислительной математики и математической физики / Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics47 ( 10 )

Cтроится регуляризованная асимптотика решения временнoго уравнения Шрёдингера, когда малая константа Планка стоит перед пространственной производной. Показано, что асимптотика решения содержит погранслойную функцию, имеющую быстро осциллирующий характер изменения

Asymptotics of solutions to the time-dependent Schrödinger equation with a small Planck constant


Article | 2007 | Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics47 ( 10 )

A regularized asymptotics of the solution to the time-dependent Schrödinger equation in which the spatial derivative is multiplied by a small Planck constant is constructed. It is shown that the asymptotics of the solution contains a rapidly oscillating boundary layer function. - Keywords: singularly perturbed time-dependent Schrödinger equation regularized asymptotics solutions

Çağdaş Uygur Edebiyatının Oluşması ve Gelişmesi = The Formation and Development of Modern Uighur Literature

Lokman BARAN

Article | 2007 | Bilig : Türk Dünyası Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi ( 42 )

Yakup Bek'in ölümünden sonra Çin yönetiminde esaret ve bas­kı altında tam otuz üç yıl (1878-1911) geçiren Uygur halkı, XIX. yüzyıl ve XX. Yüzyılda, dünyada meydana gelen değişimlerden etkilenerek tekrar bağımsızlık mücadelesine girişmiş ve bu mücadele sonucunda Çağdaş Uygur Edebiyatının tohumları atılmaya başlamıştır. İlerleyen dönemlerde Rusya, Türkiye, Doğu Avrupa ve Mısır'a giderek buralar­da eğitim alan Uygur gençleri, gitmiş oldukları ülkelerde öğrendiklerini Uygur halkına öğretebilmek için 'Ceditçilik Hareketi' adı altında yeni okullar açmışlar, dergi ve gazeteler yayınlamışlardır. Açılan bu okullar­da okuyan Uygur gençlerinin . . ., modern ilimlerin yanında Batı Edebiya­tını öğrenmeleri, Batı Edebiyatının önde gelen şair ve yazarlarının sa­nat anlayışını, yazmış oldukları şiir, hikaye ve romanlarında işlemeleri, Çağdaş Uygur Edebiyatının oluşmasını ve gelişmesini sağlamıştır. Bu gelişme hızla sürmüş, pek çok Uygur aydını, şair ve yazarı yetişmiş, ga­zete ve dergiler yayımlanmıştır. Uygur Edebiyatında meydana gelen bu gelişmeler, zaman zaman Çin yönetiminin sansür ve baskı politikasın­dan dolayı yavaşlamış, duraklamıştır. Bu makalede, Çağdaş Uygur Edebiyatı, Uygurca ve Türkçe kaynaklara dayanarak ve yer yer edini­len gözlemlere atıflarda bulunularak yakın tarihe kadar ele alınmıştır. After the death of Yakup Bek and following the great upheavals in the world in the 19th and 20th centuries, Uighur people, who had spent thirty-three years (1878-1911) under the slavery and oppression of China, attempted a struggle for independence, and as a result, Modern Uighur Literature started to come into being. In the following years, the younger Uighur generation, who had received education in Russia, Turkey, Eastern Europe, and Egypt, opened new schools under the name of the Movement of 'ceditçilik' (newism) and published journals and newspapers in order to teach Uighur people what they had learned in these countries. Uighur students attending these sfchools learned not only about modern sciences but also about Western literature, and they employed the artistic views and styles of Western writers in their own poems, short stories, and novels. All this contributed to the formation and development of modern Uighur literature. A significant number of Uighur intellectuals, poets, and writers emerged, and lots of journals and newspapers were published. Such developments in Uighur literature, however, were sometimes slowed down and obstructed due to the censorship and oppression of Chinese administration. In this article, modern Uighur Literature till recent times is studied by making references to Uighur and Turkish written sources and by commenting on various observations that have been made More less

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