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Этноязыковое своеобразие концепта «движение» в русском, английском и киргизском языках


Article | 2009 | Русский язык за рубежом215 ( 4 )

Концептуально-когнитивный анализ показывает, что в языковом сознании разных народов концепт «движение» расчленяется и воспринимается по-разному. Это обусловлено и образом жизни народа, и географическими условиями обитания, и особым мировосприятием окружающего мира.

A macroseismic study of the Taldy-Sai caravanserai in the Kara-Bura River valley (Talas basin, Kyrgyzstan)


Article | 2009 | Russian Geology and Geophysics50 ( 1 )

We report a macroseismic study of a ruined medieval building, a small caravanserai located along the caravan way from the Talas valley to the Chatkal and Fergana valleys in Kyrgyzstan. The ruins document several events in which the caravanserai was destroyed, apparently during earthquakes, and was rebuilt or repaired. The earliest earthquake occurred soon after the building was put up, about 400 years ago, according to radiocarbon dating of charcoal, and another event shook the area between 400 and 50 years BP. After being damaged in the ultimate earthquake, in the middle of the 20th century, the building was eventually abandoned. - . . . Keywords: Archeoseismology; earthquake-induced damage to buildings; damage patterns; Talas valley; Kyrgyzsta More less

A Comparative Study of Entrepreneurial Attitudes and Attributes of Turkish and Kyrgyz Entrepreneurs


Chapter of Books | 2009 | Entrepreneurship and its Economic Significance, Behavior and Effects ( Chapter 2 )

There is little knowledge available about entrepreneurship in transition economies of Central Asia in comparison to the advanced economies where significantly more research information is available about entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial process. Despite the lack of information about entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship process in transition economies, especially about former Soviet Republic countries, it is recognized that the effective practice of entrepreneurship is highly correlated with a successful transition from a planned economy to a market based economy. On the other hand, although there might be cultural similarities betwee . . .n Turkish and Kyrgyz entrepreneurs due to historic Turkic ties between the two countries, significant differences exists between the two countries in terms of economic approach and policies adopted. Turkey has adopted market based economic policies right after WWII and has experienced much longer period of rapid economic growth compare to Kyrgyzstan. As a result, Turkey offers a more positive and mature environment for new enterprise development More less

Sunakata (Sıgnak) Oykoniminin Geçmişi, Bugünü ve Kökeni Üzerine = On Sunakata (Signak) Oikonym: Its Present, Past and Etymology

İbrahim ŞAHİN

Article | 2009 | Türklük Bilimi Araştırmaları / Journal of Turkology Research ( 25 )

Başta Dîvânü Lūgati’t-Türk olmak üzere bazı Orta Çağ kaynaklarında Sirderya’nın orta kesimlerinde anılan ve farklı yazılışları sebebiyle araştırmacılar tarafından “Sıgnak”, “Sugnak”, “Suğnâk”, “Siknak”, vb. şekillerde okunan oykonim (yerleşim birimi adı) üzerine farklı etimolojik görüşler ileri sürülmüştür. Bu çalışmada, oykonimin bir Kıpçak boyu olan “Sıgınak” ile ilgili olup söz konusu etnonimin ise bir tür geyik adı olan “sıgın” patroniminden (hayvan adı) geldiği sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. {+Ak} eki özellikle hayvan adlarında çok görülen ve üzerine geldiği kelimeye küçültme, sevimlilik anlamı kazandıran bir ektir. Türk etnonimlerinde . . . sıkça görüldüğü gibi sıgınak (“geyik yavrusu”), Sıgınak etnosunun ongunu olmalıdır. Şehrin sonraki dönemlerdeki adı olan “Sunakata”, oykonimin ilk şekli olduğunu tahmin ettiğimiz “Sıgınak” sözcüğünden gelişmiş olmalıdır. Oykonimin kuruluşunda görülen “ata” sözcüğü ise, sanıldığı gibi o bölgede yaşamış önemli bir kişinin adıyla değil, İslâm öncesi Türklerde var olan “hayvan ata” inanışıyla ilgili olmalıdır. In some middle age sources, especially in "Divanu Lugati't-Turk", different etymologic views were set by researchers on oikonym (name of settlement unit) proposed in the middle part of "Sır Derya" and read as "Signak", "Sugnak", "Suğnak", "Siknak" etc. because of different spelling. In this study, a conclusion was reached thet the oikonym is related to "Siginak" which is a Kipchak tribe and this etnonym comes from the word "sigin" meaning a species of deer. The suffix /+Ak/ is mostly seen in animal names which means meaning of charm;but besides this, it also has a function of dimuniation when added to a lexis. The word "siginak" as often seen in Turkish etnonyms might be regarded as a totem of Siginak ethnos. "Sunak-Ata" which is the name of the city in the subsequent periods, should probably stem from Siginak which is the first type of oikonym. The word 'ata' is seen in the construction of oikonym is not a name of an important person as is thought to be; however, it is related to "father animal" which is one of old Turkish beliefs in pre-islamic periods More less

Specifics of post-soviet Kyrgyzstan inhabitants identity = Особенности идентичности жителей постсоветского Кыргызстана

Kusein İSAEV

Article | 2009 | Социологические Исследования ( 5 )

Автор на примере Кыргызстана рассматривает процессы идентификации, в том числе гражданской и этнической, усилившиеся в условиях независимости государства, образовавшегося после распада СССР, и глобализации, охватившей в современную эпоху весь мир. Роль идентификации трактуется с позиции концепции "нация-государство", подчеркивается значение гражданской идентичности для сплочения кыргызстанского социума. - Ключевые слова: независимое государство, "нация-государство", национализм, полиэтническое государство, виды идентичности, гражданская идентичность, социальная идентичность, этническая идентичность, "гражданская нация" . . . More less

Billboard reklamlarının tüketicilerin satın alma kararına etkileri = Effectiveness on billboard advertisements on consumers' purchasing decisions


Article | 2009 | Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi10 ( 1 )

Billboard reklâmcılığının özellikle, her geçen gün artan tüketici ve yolcu sayısının yanında yaşam tarzı ve teknolojinin sürekli gelişimiyle orantılı olarak yaygınlaştığı görülmektedir. Tüketici davranışlarına ışık tutmak bakımından yararlı olacağı düşünülen bu araştırmada billboardların tüketiciyi nasıl etkilediği, tüketicilerin satın alma kararları üzerinde doğrudan bir etkiye sahip olup olmadığı ele alınmıştır. Bu amaca yönelik saha çalışması ise billboardların yaygın olarak kullanıldığı Kırgızistan’ın başkenti Bişkek’te yapılmıştır. Veriler basit tesadüfî örnekleme yöntemi kullanılmak suretiyle anket yoluyla elde edilmiştir. Bu . . .çalışmada farklı değişkenler arasındaki ilişkinin ve bu değişkenlerin tüketicilerin satın alma kararına etkisinin ölçülmesi amacıyla çok değişkenli teknikler (faktör ve uyum analizi) kullanılmıştır. The billboard advertising has become widespread particularly due to the continuous evolution of lifestyle and technology besides the increasing number of consumers and travelers. This is research designed to shed light on consumer behavior, discusses how billboards affect consumers and whether billboards have direct effect on purchasing behavior. A field study appropriate to the purpose of the research has been conducted in Bishkek/ Kyrgyzstan where billboards are widely used. Data has been provided through a survey, using simple random sampling techniques. The study uses multivariate techniques (factor analysis and correspondence analysis) for measuring the relationship between different variables and their effects on consumers’ purchasing decisions. More less

New Strains of Streptomyces as Producers of Biofungicides and Biological Stimulators for Protection of the Shoots and Seedlings of Tiang-Shang Spruce Fir (Picea Schrenkiana)


Article | 2009 | Microbiology Insights ( 2 )

During this work we detected 5 species of pathogenic fungi that damage seedlings and saplings of the Tiang-Shang spruce fir, which cause a perceptible damage to the coniferous nurseries of Northern Kyrgyzstan and require activities to protect the woods. The biological activity of Streptomyces metabolites for raising the resistance of seedlings to phytopathogenic fungi was tested in laboratory and field conditions during three seasons. In order to evaluate the biological activity of Streptomyces preparations as biological agents, we have soaked the seeds in the suspension of Streptomyces metabolites with the concentrations of 50, 100 . . ., 500 mg per liter. In other variant, the seeds were at first processed in the culture of pathogenic fungi as infectious drowning of sprouts (Fusarium, Alternaria), crown rot of sprouts (Sclerotinia graminearum Elen.) and grey dew of needles (Hypodermella sulsigena Tub.), then they were treated in the suspension of Streptomyces. Also we have used a spraying treatment with the suspension of Streptomyces metabolites of the one-year-old seedlings of Tiang-Shang spruce fir already staggered and dying from infectious drowning. The best results against the Alternaria culture were demonstrated by the use of preparation S. griseogromogenes 2ч-8 at the concentration of 500 mgs per liter, which provided the safety of sprouts to 80.2%. Preparations of S. rubrogriseus ТК2-5, S. wistariopsis СП3-13 and S. griseogromogenes 2ч-8 were effective in protection of sprouts from Fusarium sp. cultures. They provided safety of sprouts to 80% on average More less

Merkezi Asya ve Kafkas Geçiş Ekonomilerinde Entegrasyonun Olabilirliği AB deki Kömür Çelik Topluluğu Benzeri Su ve Enerjide İşbirliği Arayışı = The possibility of integration in economies of the caucasus and central Asia: Search for cooperation in water and energy like european coal and steel community

Ömer Selçuk EMSEN | Çağatay KARAKÖY

Article | 2009 | Çukurova Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi18 ( 1 )

Çalışmada günümüzdeki yaygın tanımlamasıyla, geçiş ekonomilerinden Merkezi Asya ve Kafkas ekonomilerinin bağımsızlık sonrası sosyo-ekonomik ve siyasal sorunları ele alınmıştır. Bu ekonomilerin küreselleşme olgusu ile eş-anlamlı olarak ele alınan dışa açılma sürecinde, iktisadi anlamda başlangıçtaki gelir düzeyine çok geç ulaştıkları ve siyasal açıdan da küreselleşmenin bir diğer ayağını oluşturan demokratik yapıya bürünemedikleri; daha çok totaliter yapıya doğru gittikleri görülmektedir. Siyasal ve ekonomik anlamda belirtilen temel sorunları aşmada, birinci-en-iyi olarak tanımlanan serbestleşmenin sorunları gideremediği ve dışa daha . . . bağımlı hale getirdiği gözlenmektedir. Bu noktada, siyasal boyutta da liberalizasyon uygulaması olmaksızın, sadece ekonomik anlamda serbestleşmeye gidilmesinin şeklen bir liberalizasyon uygulamasından ibaret kalacağı söylenebilir. Merkezi Asya ve Kafkas geçiş ekonomilerinin aynı zamanda ikinci-en-iyi teori olarak da tanımlanan bir entegrasyon sürecine gitmelerinin, daha üst düzeyde kendi kendilerini denetleme ve işbirliğine imkan sağlayacağı ileri sürülebilir. Ancak, 1991 sonrasında, bu ekonomilerin yeterince bağımsızlaşamadığı ve güçlenemediği bir yapıda, kendi aralarında mal piyasalarında tam anlamıyla entegrasyona gitmelenin de sağlıklı sonuç vermeyeceği düşünülmektedir. Zamana bağlı olarak entegrasyonun oluşabilirliği açısından günümüzdeki Avrupa Birliği'in gelişim sürecine benzer şekilde, aralarında yapılanmaya gitmelerinin, hem işbirliğini tesis etmeye hem de sorunları aşamalı bir şekilde azaltmaya katkıda bulunacağı iddia edilebilir. Socio-economical and political problems of transitional economies after their independence, more widely known as the Central Asian and the Caucasus economies, were considered in this study. Nowadays in globalization process that is equal to the openness to outer world, from economical view-point, these countries were able to achieve initial income level very late and could not establish democracy that is the second basis of globalization from political view-point. Moreover, it can be seen that countries direct their steps towards totalitarian regime. It must be said that in addressing economical and political issues, these countries have not managed to solve problems with liberalization, theory of the first best, and thus came to the state of being dependable upon external medium forces. At this point liberalization occurs by application of an economies process not a political one. It is thought that at the same time transitional economies of Central Asia and Caucasus can control themselves and orientate to cooperation by entering into integration process, theory of the second best. However, as these economies have not become independent and strong enough after 1991, it is thought that integration of the countries on commodity markets will not produce rational results. Integration in time may establish collaboration between them and may be the reason of decreasing problems in multistage way like the process that EU had encountered in the very beginning More less

Talasta yeni bulunan eski Türk yazıtı = New ancient Turkish inscription founded in Talas

Nurdin USEEV

Article | 2009 | Atatürk Üniversitesi Türkiyat Araştırmaları Enstitüsü Dergisi ( 41 )

Bugün Kırgızistan Cumhuriyeti sınırları içinde kalan topraklar (Kök)türk harfli Eski Türk yazıtlarının en fazla bulunduğu bölgelerin başında gelmektedir. Kırgızistanda (Kök)türk harfli yazıtların en yoğun bulunduğu yer ise, Talas bölgesidir. Bu makalede Talas bölgesinde bulunan (Kök)türk harfli yeni bir yazıtın okunuşu, yorumlanışı, epigrafik özellikleri ve soyo-kültürel özellikleri hakkında bilgiler verilmektedir. - Kyrgyz Republic is known as an area where a lot of Turkish inscriptions were found. Among them a lot of inscriptions were found in Talas region. This article presents the reading of one inscription founded in Talas, th . . .e presentation of its paleographical, social and historical features More less

The Role of Media in Development of Democracy: A Field Survey Among The Students of Journalism in Kyrgyzstan

Elif Asude TUNCA

Article | 2009 | Marmara İletişim Dergisi / Marmara Journal of Communication ( 15 )

Kyrgyzstan which is governed democratically has gained its independence in 1991. Despite the "Tullip Revolution" occured in May of 2005, and the political and economic instability that exists in country since then, Kyrgyzstan has been trying to recover from them. Undoubtedly, media plays an important role and has great influence on development of democracy in Kyrgyzstan and this process delegates responsibilities to media. In this paper, through the point of view given by the students of Journalism in other words future potential employees of Kyrgyz media, the role of the media in the development of democracy and the democratic proc . . .ess of Kyrgyzstan will be criticised. A field survey will be done among the students of Kyrgyz - Turkish Manas University Faculty of Communications. The same research will be done in the coming days among the student of the other 7 Journalism Departmens/Faculties in the country More less

Analytical and rheological investigations into selected unifloral German honey


Article | 2009 | European Food Research and Technology229 ( 1 )

The physicochemical and rheological properties parameters of five German unifloral honey: false acacia, heather, sunflower, lime and rape (39 samples) were analysed to demonstrate the relation between botanical origin and material properties. The validity of the rheological constitutive equations by Herschel-Bulkley, Ostwald-De Waele and Newton was confirmed by varying temperature and crystalline state. Highly structured (crystalline) honey exhibits temperature dependent with all rheological anomalies (shear thinning, yield point and rheodynamic behaviour) and can described an average effective viscosity. Modern oscillation measurem . . .ents were used to determine the crystallization behaviour of honey. The results showed that crystallization of honey is depended on botanic origin, temperature and storage time. - Keywords: Honey Crystallization Shear rate test Oscillation tests Temperature-sweep Mixed phase behaviour More less

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