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On The Recursive Sequence x(n+1)=x(n-20)/[1+x(n-2)x(n-5)x(n-8)x(n-11)x(n-14)x(n-17)]

Burak OĞUL

Article | 2019 | MANAS Journal of Engineering (MJEN)7 ( 2 )

The behaivour of the solutions of the following system of difference equations is examined, x(n+1)=x(n-20)/[1+x(n-2)x(n-5)x(n-8)x(n-11)x(n-14)x(n-17)] where the initial conditions are positive real numbers. The initial conditions of the equation are arbitrary positive real numbers. Also, we discuss and illustrate the stability of the solutions in the neighborhood of the critical points and the periodicity of the considered equations

Determination of physicochemical parameters, phenolic content, and antioxidant capacity of wild cherry plum (Prunus divaricata Ledeb.) from the walnut-fruit forests of Kyrgyzstan


Article | 2019 | European Food Research and Technology245 ( 10 )

Wild fruits and berries from the walnut-fruit forests of Kyrgyzstan may hold nutritional and health benefits for humans. Since information on their nutritional value is scarce, physical properties and nutritional value of naturally occurring red, black, and yellow cherry plum fruits (Prunus divaricata Ledeb.) were evaluated. The wild cherry plums featured moisture contents between 81.07 and 85.87%, reducing sugar contents of 6.83-8.42%, alimentary fiber of 0.78-1.38%, ash contents of 0.48-0.74%, acidity levels of 0.97-2.31%, and ascorbic acid concentrations of 16.00-30.25 mg/100 g. The total phenolic concentrations of wild cherry pl . . .um fruits was determined at 177-365 mg/100 g expressed as gallic acid equivalents. The black wild cherry plum contained the highest amounts of polyphenols and anthocyanins among the analyzed samples as well as the domesticated Prunus varieties. The essential mineral profile indicated that zinc (Zn) featured the lowest concentrations with 0.05-0.18 mg/100 g, while potassium (K) was the most abundant mineral at 127.97-188.74 mg/100 g in all cherry plum samples. 100 g fresh wild cherry plum can contribute up to 26.4% of iron (Fe) to recommended dietary allowance. All these results indicate that wild cherry plum fruits can be beneficial for human nutrition. The determination of physical attributes and chemical composition of these fruits is essential to facilitate the establishment of product standards and to further promote the use of these products in the food industr More less


Mehmet TÜRKMEN | Cengiz BUYAR

Article | 2019 | European Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science5 ( 12 )

This monograph will address the following questions: “What was the perspective of Turkic peoples on wrestling branch of sports and what was the cultural aspect of wrestling for social structures and lifestyles of Turkic peoples? What type of a transformation did wrestle experience? What is its current state at national level?” Problem: The problem of this research pertains to the fact that the richness of traditional wrestling which is known to possess a deep-seated reputation in Turkish history of sports and occupy an affluent position in Turkish sports tradition is not well-reflected in the literature at national and international . . . levels, its traditional cultural elements are lost along with globalization and it is likely to end up being almost erased from national memories. Objective: This modest study sought to find an answer to the question as to how Turkic peoples perceived traditional wrestling in religious, national, political, military, economic and social domains of life and aimed to incorporate the finding into the literature rightly. Methodology: From among qualitative research methods, descriptive and comparative research techniques were implemented in this study. Result: It was deduced that wrestling which was one of the primary activities in socio-cultural structures and lifestyles of ancient Turkic peoples was viewed as a social value and even as a social norm beyond being just a branch of sports, possessed embedded and rich rituals, but began to lose its meaning along with the disappearance of most of these rituals, and even if it was affected adversely by globalization, there still existed affection towards wrestling and the wrestler. Keywords: Turkic peoples, wrestling, socio-cultural perspective, cultural perceptio More less



Article | 2019 | Современные проблемы науки и образования ( 6 )

В статье представлены результаты проведенного впервые в Кыргызстане экспериментального исследования эффективности использования этнических игр кыргызов для улучшения показателей сердечно-сосудистой системы у жителей предпенсионного возраста (50-55 лет в условиях среднегорья). Обследованы 45 человек данной возрастной категории. В первую группу респондентов входят люди, регулярно занимающиеся этническими подвижными играми, во вторую группу - занимающиеся современными видами физической культуры. Использованы методы анализа научно-методической литературы, метод Короткова, пульсоксиметрия, проба Мартине-Кушелевского, математико-статистич . . .еские методы. Полученные в ходе экспериментального исследования сравнительные результаты показали эффективность методики использования этнических подвижных игр кыргызов для улучшения показателей сердечно-сосудистой системы в возрастном периоде 50-55 лет в условиях среднегорья Кыргызстана. Так, к примеру, полученные в ходе 2-го обследования данные группы с использованием этнических игр, а также результаты группы с использованием средств современной физической культуры выше результатов 1-го проведенного обследования. Колебания частоты сердечных сокращений при 2-м обследовании в первой группе и в группе с использованием современных средств физической культуры (СФК) в гендерном разделении достоверно ниже, в среднем частота сердечных сокращений (ЧСС) равна 70 уд/мин по сравнению с данными 1-го обследования (у мужчин в среднем ЧСС - 78,0 уд/мин, а у женщин - 84 уд/мин). В состоянии покоя разброс показателей по частоте сердечных сокращений и насыщение кислородом имеют достоверные различия по полу и возрасту. Пробы с дозированной мышечной нагрузкой при 2-м обследовании в первой группе и в группе СФК указывают на увеличение разброса показателей частоты сердечных сокращений после нагрузки в среднем на 25,5-27 уд/мин (35,4-37%). Время восстановления ЧСС происходит на 3-й минуте, где наблюдается нормотонический тип реакции, что свидетельствует о хорошей приспособляемости организма к физической нагрузке More less

Herd Management and Manager in Turkey Livestock

Abuzer TAŞ | Metin BAYRAKTAR

Article | 2019 | MANAS Journal of Agriculture, Veterinary and Life Science (MJAVL)9 ( 2 )

The objectives set to bring animal husbandry to an advanced level and to a certain standard are important in Turkey. Agriculture is mostly done in the conventional manner in Turkey and producers and farmers do not need to improve themselves. In contrast to population growth across the country, there is a significant decrease in agricultural production. The reason for this, it can be said that the reasons such as the lack of security of the working people in the sector, the fact that they do not receive a wage that can sustain their lives, the lack of infrastructure to carry out training programs for constantly changing and developin . . .g. We can define herd management as providing the animals with optimum care and welfare conditions, achieving the desired target for fertility, reproduction, and nutrition and preventing animal diseases and management-related losses in livestock enterprises. The main objective of herd management and a manager is to increase animal production to breeders and to provide economic returns that can provide sustainability and competitiveness in enterprises. In addition, it is to minimize or completely eliminate the material losses that may occur by means of more cost-effective and efficiently organized programs. In order to solve all these problems, herd management should be considered as an educated and organized profession. As a result of the training of certified herd management, breeders who are employed without registration and social security must be provided with registered status, increase the number of registered employees and achieve professional status by providing organization. It is important that certificate is a prerequisite for the grower to benefit from government support, incentives, grants, subsidies, and other national and international projects More less

Buzağılarda Pasif Transfer Yetmezliğinin Belirlenmesinde Kullanılan Yöntemler


Article | 2019 | MANAS Journal of Agriculture, Veterinary and Life Science (MJAVL)9 ( 2 )

Buzağılara IgG’nin transferi olarak adlandırılan pasif immune transfer ancak maternal kolostrum alınmasıyla gerçekleşir. Yetersiz kolostral IgG’nin alımı ya da absorbsiyonu pasif transfer yetmezliğine neden olmaktadır. Buzağılarda pasif transfer yetmezliğin belirlenmesi için çeşitli analiz metodları bulunmaktadır. Bu derlemede buzağılarda pasif transfer yetmezliğin tespitinde kullanılan yöntemler ve bu yöntemlerin avantaj ve dezavantajları anlatılmıştır.

Пиролиз отработанной макулатурной бумаги и прогнозирование образования отдельных токсичных компонентов и частиц в газовой фазе

Zarlık MAYMEKOV | Nurzat ŞAYKİYEVA | Canarbek İZAKOV

Article | 2019 | Экология урбанизированных территорий ( 3 )

Осуществлен учет бумажных отходов в отдельных образовательных структурных подразделениях Кыргызско-Турецкого университета «Манас» (инженерный и естественно-научный факультеты: 760 студентов и 90 человек - профессорско-преподавательский состав и административный персонал). Показано, что в течение шести месяцев текущего учебного года собрано 190 кг макулатурной бумаги, и в дальнейшем они возращены для повторного использования, после чего предусмотрен пиролиз при низких (773 К), средних (1073 К) и высоких (1173 К) температурах. Установлена химическая матрица макулатурной бумаги, которая состоит из 70 % целлюлозы, 3,5 % клея, 10 % каоли . . .на, 4 % крахмала, смесей 0,5 полигексаметиленгуанидина и 0,5 % диметил-бензилалкиламмония и 11,5 % воды, и составлена химическая формула бумаги: (C6H10O5 - 70) + + (CCOOH - 3,5) + (Al2O3Si2O4H4O2 - 10) + H - 4) + (CyHN - 0,5) + + (CH3CH3CH2C6H5NCI - 0,5) + (H2O - 11,5). Элементный состав бумаги включает (моль/кг): C - 30,209, H - 64,339, O - 32,921, Al - 0,775, Si - 0,775, N - 0,136, Cl - 0,029. Осуществлены расчеты при максимуме энтропии системы (давление 0,1 МПа). Определены физико-химические и термодинамические параметры, а также равновесные концентрации низкомолекулярных компонентов и частиц, образующихся при пиролизе макулатурной бумаги. Установлено, что при деструкции бумаги образуются токсичные хлор и азотсодержащие компоненты и частицы типа: Cl, CH3Cl, HClCO, AlCl3, HCl, C2HCl, AlOHCl, ClCO, C2H3Cl, AlCl, AlOHCl2, CH2C, C2H5Cl, AlCl2, NH3, C3HN, C2N2, C5HN, N2, HCN, N2C, NH2, HNC, ClCN; а также образуются простые и сложные углеводороды: метан - CH4, этан - C2H6, пропан - C3H8 этилен - C2H4, ацетилен - C2H2, муравьиный альдегид - CH2O, бензол - C6H6. С увеличением температуры процесса пиролиза содержание конденсированного углерода (сажи) в газовой фазе уменьшается, т.е. идет интенсивная газификация (H2, СО) с выгоранием сажи при участии воды. Концентрация диоксида углерода и метана в газовой фазе с увеличением температуры процесса пиролиза бумаги уменьшаетс More less

Abiotic stress-induced regulation of antioxidant genes in different Arabidopsis ecotypes: microarray data evaluation

İbrahim İlker ÖZYİĞİT

Article | 2019 | Biotechnology and Biotechnological Equipment33 ( 1 )

Although stresses induce generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), which are highly reactive and toxic, and cause severe damage to cellular components; plants have very efficient enzymatic ROS-scavenging mechanisms. Despite the substantial knowledge produced about these enzymes, we still have limited knowledge regarding their expression patterns in relation to the stress type, duration and strength. Thus, taking advantage of microarray data, this work evaluated the abiotic stresses (salt, cold, heat and light) induced regulation of six antioxidant enzymes, superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), ascorbate peroxidase (APX), gl . . .utathione peroxidase (GPX), monodehydroascorbate reductase (MDHAR) and dehydroascorbate reductase (DHAR), in 10 natural Arabidopsis ecotypes. The expression profiles of 36 genes encoding six enzymatic antioxidants including CSD1-3, FSD1-3, MSD1-2, CAT1-3, APX1-6, APXT, APXS, GPX1-8, MDAR1-5 and DHAR1-4 were investigated. In particular, FSD1, FSD2, CSD1 and CSD2 genes coding for SOD; CAT2 and CAT3 for CAT; APX3-6, APXT and APXS for APX; GPX1, GPX2, GPX5, GPX6 and GPX7 for GPX; MDAR2-4 for MDHAR; and DHAR1 and DHAR3 for DHAR families appeared to be more differentially expressed under given stress conditions. Primarily, high light as well as salt and cold stresses considerably up-regulated the gene expression, whereas cold stress significantly led to the down-regulation of genes. The overall expression pattern of ecotypes suggested that the studied Arabidopsis genotypes had different stress tolerance More less

On the Solvability of Tracking Problem with Nonlinearly Distributed Control for the Oscillation Process


Chapter of Books | 2019 | Trends in Mathematics

In the paper we investigate the unique solvability of the tracking problem with the distributed optimal control for the elastic oscillations described by Fredholm integro-differential equations. The sufficient conditions are found for existence of a unique solution to the boundary value problem, also the class of functions of external influence for which the optimization problem has a solution. The algorithm was developed for constructing the complete solution of the tracking problem of nonlinear optimization.

Inhibitory effects of allelopathic crops on seedling growth of weed Hypericum triquetrifolium Turra

İbrahim İlker ÖZYİĞİT

Article | 2019 | Allelopathy Journal48 ( 2 )

In Laboratory bioassays and Pot culture, we determined the effects of aqueous extracts of 7-allelopathic crops [Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.), Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.), Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.), Rape (Brassica napus L.), Rye (Secale cereal L.), Barley (Hordeum vulgare L) and Oat (Avena saliva L)] on the seedling growth of weed Hypericum triquetrifolium. In first Lab. bioassay, barley and rape were found most phytotoxic to Hypericum seedlings growth. Then these two crops effects were further tested in pot experiments, with different residues rates (R1, R2, R3 for rape and B1, B2, B3 for barley) and at 3-stages of Hypericum . . . development (S1: Hypericum pre-germinated seeds, S2: 4-Hypericum leaves developed and S3: formation of branches). Barley and rape residues proved very phytotoxic to root length of Hypericum (-74.51?nd -72.29?espectively). The effects of both crops residues on H. triquetrifolium and root growth were dose dependent and the highest rape residue rate (8 g/pot) caused -67 ?nhibition than control. The crop residues were more phytotoxic to Hypericum in early stages of development. The GC-MS analysis of rape residues identified 10-allelopathic compounds More less

Оценка генетического разнообразия алатауской, черно-пестрой и голштинской пород крупного рогатого скота Кыргызстана по генам PRL, GH и PIT-1 = Evaluation of the genetic diversity of alatau, black-pied and holdstein breeds of cattle from Kyrgyzstan by PRL, GH AND PIT-1 genes


Article | 2019 | Молочное и мясное скотоводство ( 3 )

Приведены результаты молекулярно-генетического анализа 3 пород крупного рогатого скота Кыргызстана по генам, детерминирующим полиморфизм пролактина PRL (Rsal, g.35333742C>T), гормона роста GH (Alul, g.48118264G>C) и гипофизарного фактора транскрипции PIT-1 (Hinfl, g.35419909T>C). В отношении полиморфизма гена PRL показано, что среди коров алатауской, черно-перстрой и голштинской пород преобладали животные с генотипом PRLAA - 57,6%, 59,3% и 61,5%, соответственно. Особи с генотипом PRLBBвстречались с низкой частотой - в пределах 1,69-7,69%. Аллель GHLпо полиморфизму гена GH среди исследуемых пород являлся мажорным и варьировал в преде . . .лах 83,1-98,1%. По полиморфизму гена PIT-1 наиболее распространены у животных алатауской породы аллель PIT-1B (69,5%) и генотип PIT-1AB (47,5%), у черно-пестрой - аллель PIT-1B (72,2%) и генотип PIT-1AB (55,6%), у голштинской - аллель PIT-1B (76,9%) и генотип PIT-1BB (53,8%). Установлена сочетаемость генотипов по 3 полиморфным сайтам, и набольшее разнообразие по ним выявлено у алатауской пород More less

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