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OLD TURKIC GRAMMAR ELEMENTS IN THE MANAS EPIC = Manas destanında eski̇ Türkçeye özgü gramer unsurları

Nurdin USEEV

Article | 2022 | Türk Dili Araştırmaları Yıllığı - Belleten / BELLETEN Yearbook of Turkic Studies ( 74 )

M. Avezov, A.N. Bernştam vd. gibi bilim adamlarının araştırmalarına göre VIII-XI. asırlarda gerçekleşen tarihî olayların temelinde ortaya çıkan Manas Destanı, Eski Türk devrinden izler taşımaktadır. Bunlardan biri dil unsurlarıdır. Destan üzerinde yaptığımız çalışma sonucunda Manas Destanı’nda Köktürk harfli yazıtlarda durum zarfı yapımında da kullanılan vasıta hâli /Xn/ eki; Eski Türkçeye mahsus olan /-gXlX/ zarf-fiil eki ve gereklilik ifade eden /-gUlUk/ eki gibi morfolojik özelliklerin bulunduğunu tespit edebildik. Colborstoyun ve kamandayın gibi kelimelerde geçen /Xn/ eki Köktürk harfli yazıtlardaki /In/ eki gibi durum zarfı yap . . .maktadır. İki metinde bulunan /In/ eki Eski Türkçede olduğu gibi vasıta hâli anlamını taşımaktadır. /-gXlX/ eki Köktürkçede asıl eylemin amacını ve başlangıç noktasını bildirmek için kullanılan /-gAlI/ ekine benzerlik gösterirken, /-gUlUk/ eki Eski Uygurcadaki gibi gereklilik ifade etmektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Manas Destanı, Eski Türkçe, ek, gramer özellikleri, vasıta hâl More less

Udder defense system: Effect of milk somatic cell countlevel on Th1/Th2 cytokine balance


Article | 2022 | Journal of the Hellenic Veterinary Medical Society73 ( 2 )

The immune system of the cow is kept strong to protect the cows from mastitis, which causes economic losses for dairy cattle herds. Cellular immunity, especially, plays an important role as a first-line defense system. In the case of inflammation, cytokines play a decisive role in monitoring this process. In this study, the relationship between somatic cell count (SCC) and cytokine (tumor necrosis factor alpha, interferon gamma, and interleukins TNF-alpha, IFN-gamma,IL-2, -4, -5, and -10, respectively) concentrations in milk were determined. It was decided to support the humoral and cellular aspects of the udder defense system by de . . .termining the T-helper cell (Th1/Th2) cytokine polarization in high SCC milk from cows with signs of mastitis. Milk samples from 180 cows were divided into five groups according to the somatic cell count level (< 150 x 10(3), 151 x 10(3) 400 x 10(3), 401 x 10(3)-600x10(3), 601 x 10(3)-1,000 x 10(3), and > 1,000x10(3)cells/mL). It was understood that the Th1 direction was determined before mastitis was formed, that is when SCC was low (< 150 x 10(3)). As a result. it was concluded that theTh1 polarization should be supported to protect cows from mastitis More less

Fekete-Szegö inequality for a subclass of analytic functions associated with Gegenbauer polynomials

Muhammet KAMALİ

Article | 2022 | Carpathian Mathematical Publications14 ( 2 )

In this paper, we define a subclass of analytic functions by denote (Formula Presented) satisfying the following subordinate condition (Formula Presented) where (Formula Presented). We give coefficient estimates and Fekete-Szegö inequality for functions belonging to this subclass.

Unilateral Uterine Torsion in a Shorthair Scottish Queen

Ali RIŞVANLI | Abuzer TAŞ | Ayperi Aytmırza Kızı | Nur ABDIMANAP UULU

Article | 2022 | MANAS Journal of Agriculture, Veterinary and Life Science (MJAVL)12 ( 2 )

In this case report, it is aimed to present unilateral uterine torsion in a 7-year-old Shorthair Scottish queen. The queen, which had full-term pregnancy, was brought to the Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University Veterinary Faculty Teaching hospital with complaints of stagnation, vomiting and hypothermia. In the ultrasonography examination, 3 kittens without a heartbeat were detected. After the abdominal incision made in the queen for whom emergency cesarean section was decided, a 1080o counterclockwise torsion was noticed on the caudal side of the cervix uterine in the left uterine horn of the queen. It was observed that the left uterine . . .horn was cyanotic due to torsion-related ischemia. For this reason, it was decided to perform N-block ovariohysterectomy instead of cesarean section. As a result, it was concluded that the presented case report of unilateral uterine torsion, which is rare in cats, will make useful contributions to veterinarians and students in the field More less

Investigation on properties of cement mortar with bottom ash and perlite


Article | 2022 | Structural Concrete23 ( 6 )

Perlite and some recycled materials are preferably used to provide thermal insulation and lightness in mortar. Cement is often used as a binder in such a composite, although it makes the composite heavier and impairs its insulation properties. In this study, recycled bottom ash (BA) and expanded perlite (EP) as the aggregate, and cement as the binder and the optimum solution were investigated by using Taguchi Method. Depending on the specimens prepared using orthogonal array L9, the values of compressive strength, flexural strength, flowability, dry unit weight, water absorption, capillarity coefficient, and thermal conductivity coe . . .fficient were calculated. In general, it was found that the cement dosage was the most effective parameter and the thermal conductivity coefficient increased in parallel with the increase in unit weight and strength More less

Elazığ İlindeki Küçük Ölçekli Süt Sığırı İşletmelerinde Subklinik Mastitis Prevalansı, Süt Bileşenine Etki Eden Faktörler ve Bunlar Arasındaki İnteraksiyonların Araştırılması = Investigation of Subclinical Mastitis Prevalence, Factors Affecting Milk Component and Interactions Between These in Small-Scale Dairy Cattle Farms in Elazig Province


Article | 2022 | MANAS Journal of Agriculture, Veterinary and Life Science (MJAVL)12 ( 1 )

Bu çalışmanın amacı küçük ölçekli işletmelerde yetiştirilen farklı ırk ineklerde mastitis prevalansı, bu işletmelerden elde edilen süt örneklerinde bakteri üreme oranları ve süt bileşenine etki eden faktörlerin araştırılmasıdır. Bu çalışmada farklı ırklardan (Simental, Montofon ve Holstein) yaşları 2-8 arasında değişen, primipar ve multipar olan 211 inek kullanıldı. California Mastitis Test (CMT) sonucuna göre, 150 inek pozitif reaksiyon verirken (%71,09), 61 inek ise CMT negatif (-) reaksiyon verdi (%28,91). Çalışmada kullanılan 211 ineğe ait 844 meme lobundan 16 meme lobu kör olduğu için çalışma dışında tutuldu. Çalışmaya dahil ed . . .ilen 828 meme lobundan 438 meme lobu (%52,90) CMT (-) ve 390 (%47,10) meme lobu CMT pozitif bulundu. CMT pozitif meme loblarında bakteri üreme oranı %92,11 olarak bulundu. En fazla Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) tespit edildi (%30,99). Yağ oranı en düşük CMT (-) (%4,48 ± 0,12)’de görüldü. Protein (%3,51 ± 0,02), laktoz (%5,28 ± 0,04), yağsız kuru madde (YKM) (%9,68 ± 0,07) ve mineral madde (%0,75 ± 0,01) oranları en düşük CMT (+++) grubunda görüldü. Dansite (1.033,22 ± 0,19 kg/m3) en yüksek CMT (-) grubunda bulunurken, elektrik iletkenliği de (4,69 ± 0,01 mS/cm) en yüksek CMT (+++) grubunda tespit edildi. En düşük yağ oranına (%3,86 ± 0,27) 3. laktasyonda rastlandı. Laktoz (%5,52 ± 0,04), YKM (%10,08 ± 0,07) ve protein (%3,66 ± 0,03) oranları 3. laktasyondaki ineklerde yüksek bulundu. Dahası, 3. laktasyondaki ineklerin süt elektrik iletkenliği (4,40 ± 0,03 mS/cm) en düşük değere sahipken, dansitesi (1.034,02 ± 0,44 kg/m3) yüksek bulundu. Kademeli meme formlarından (573,84 ± 63,11 hücre⁄ml) elde edilen sütlerde somatik hücre sayısı (SHS) yüksek bulunurken, laktoz oranı dışında süt kompozisyonu bakımından istatistiksel fark olmadığı anlaşıldı. Silindirik meme başı (383,02 ± 43,70 hücre⁄ml) ve düz meme ucu şekli (370,79 ± 43,61 hücre⁄ml) bulunan meme loblarından elde edilen sütlerde SHS düşük bulundu. Koltuk meme formunda (%15,2) bakteri üreme oranı düşük görülürken, sarkık (%27,6) ve kademeli (%29,9) meme formuna sahip ineklerde bakteri üreme oranları yüksek bulundu. Sonuç olarak, subklinik mastitisin yaygın olduğu ve bu hastalığa en çok S. aureus’un neden olduğu görüldü. Mastitisin azaltılması için koruyucu önlemlerin uygulanması özellikle de S. aureus’a karşı koruyucu önlemlerin alınması gerekmektedir. Koltuk meme formu ve silindirik meme başına sahip ineklerin yetiştiricilikte kullanılması, mastitisin azalmasına katkı sağlayacağı kanaatine varıldı. The aim of this study is to investigate the prevalence of mastitis in different breed cows raised in small-scale farms, bacterial growth rates in milk samples obtained from these farms, and the factors affecting the milk component. 211 cows were used in this study. According to the results of the California Mastitis Test (CMT), 150 cows have positive reaction, while 61 cows have a negative (-) reaction. Of the 828 quarters included in the study, 438 (52.90%) quarters were found to be CMT (-) and 390 (47.10%) quarters were found to be CMT positive. Of 390 positive quarters, 181 (46.41%) were determined as CMT (+), 96 (24.62%) as CMT (++), and 113 (28.97%) as CMT (+++). The lowest fat ratio was seen in CMT (-) (4.48% ± 0.12%). Protein (3.51 ± 0.02%), lactose (5.28 ± 0.04%), solid-non-fad (SNF) (9.68 ± 0.07), and mineral matter (0.75% ± 0.01%) rates were the lowest in the CMT (+++) group. Density (1,033.22 ± 0.19 kg/m3) was found in the highest CMT (-) group, while electrical conductivity (4.69 ± 0.01 mS/cm) was highest in the CMT (+++) group. The lowest fat rate is observed in the third lactation (3.86% ± 0.27). The rates of lactose (5.52 ± 0.04), SNF (10.08 ± 0.07), and protein (3.66% ± 0.03) were found to be high in cows of this lactation number. Moreover, the milk electrical conductivity of the cows with this lactation number (4.40 ± 0.03 mS/cm) had the lowest value, while the density was found to be high (1.034.02 ± 0.44 kg/m3). While the somatic cell count (SCC) was found to be high in milk obtained from rear-heavy udder form (573.84 ± 63.11 cells⁄ml), it was found that there was no statistical difference in terms of milk composition except protein ratio. SCC was found to be low in milk obtained from quarters with cylindrical teat (383.02 ± 43.70 cell⁄ml) and flat teat end shape (370.79 ± 43.61 cell⁄ml). Bacterial growth was low in trough-shaped udder form, while bacterial growth rates were found to be high in cows with pendulous and rear-heavy udders. As a result, it was seen that the prevalence of subclinical mastitis is high in Elazig province, therefore milk SCC is high and milk composition may be affected More less

Dynamics of Microbiological Diversity of Soils in the Chu Valley during Land Use Change in Pastures


Article | 2022 | Arid Ecosystems12 ( 2 )

Soil microflora is one of the first to feel a negative impact and can serve as a biological indicator of changes in the soil structure and the degree of impact on the soil ecosystem. In 2020, studies were carried out at two sites located in the Shamshy Gorge in the Chui region of the Kyrgyz Republic. One of the plots was withdrawn from pasture use for one year in 2020 and two years in 2019 as compared to the actively used control option. The microbiological diversity was studied with conventional methods of microbiology. The micromycetes of the studied soils were represented in the dominance of species resistant to adverse environme . . .ntal factors, Trichoderma, Cladosporium, and Alternaria, i.e., the species diversity was insignificant, with a predominance of representatives of dominant species. A decrease in the anthropogenic load in the studied areas has led to the activation of microbiological processes and a significant increase in soil microbiodiversity, which is indicative of improvement in the enzymatic properties and an acceleration of the soil self-healing process. Studies have also shown that soils in the regime of unregulated overgrazing are significantly susceptible to drying and trampling, which leads to a decrease in microbiological diversity in the soil ecosystem and the dominance of microorganism forms that are resistant to adverse environmental factors. The obtained data suggest that overgrazing affects the structure of soil microbiocenosis, replacing it with more drought-resistant species. Thus, the microbiological diversity of soils subjected to varying degrees of anthropogenic pressure can serve as a biological indicator of the state of the soil ecosystem. It is also necessary to resolve the issue of the regulation of the rotational grazing of livestock, which can also ensure the preservation of pasture productivity and contribute to the conservation of the biological diversity of flora and fauna of pastures, respectively More less

Мой учитель


Article | 2022 | Universum Humanitarium ( 1 )

В статье идет речь о российском историке и археологе, докторе исторических наук, о профессоре Юлие Сергеевиче Худякове

Comparison of Intraoperative Effects of Intratesticular Lidocaine and Procaine on Hemodynamic Responses in Male Cats Undergoing Routine Castration


Article | 2022 | MANAS Journal of Agriculture, Veterinary and Life Science (MJAVL)12 ( 2 )

This study was aimed to compare the effects of intratesticularly administered lidocaine and procaine on perioperative nocifensive responses in cats undergoing elective castration. Sixteen male cats (weighing between 2.3 and 6.7 kg, and 8 mounths to 3 years of age) were received for planned castration and suitable for inclusion. Cats were incidentally divided to 2: the lidocaine (group 1) and the procaine (group 2) groups. In group 1, lidocaine (1 mg/kg) was slowly injected to the right testis of the cats with a hypodermic syringe. In group 2, 1 mg/kg procaine was slowly injected to the right testis with the same technique. Besides t . . .o objective follow-up clinical monitoring, heart rate, electrocardiogram, respiration frequency, pulse oximetry, rectal temperature and blood pressure were traced during surgery with a bedside monitor. Respiration frequency values were significantly higher than before surgey at the first prescrotal incision and the clamping of the left testicular pediclein group 1 (p < 0.05). BP diastolic values significantly increased from before surgeryat the clamping of right testicular pedicle in the procaine group (p < 0.05). These findings suggested that intratesticular procaine is a beneficial analgesic technique in cats undergo planned castration and should be considered as an adjunct to standard anesthetic practice with lidocaine More less

Redefining disoriented knots and diagrammatic methods


Article | 2022 | Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences45 ( Special Issue: 18 )

Altintas (2018) introduced a new concept with the name of disoriented knot. He defined a disoriented knot as an embedding of a disoriented circle with two arcs into Double-struck capital R3. In this paper, we redefine a disoriented knot as an embedding of a disoriented circle with 2n arcs into Double-struck capital R3 and expand the diagrammatic invariants and methods of classical knot theory such as connected sum, Reidemeister moves, Gauss codes, and Gauss diagrams to disoriented knot theory. Thus, we create the basic diagrammatic invariants and methods of disoriented knot theory.

The Scientific Environment in the Period When Ibn Lahi'a (d. 174/790) Lived İbn Lehî‘a’nın (ö. 174/790) Yaşadığı Dönemde İlmî Muhit


Article | 2022 | Hitit Theology Journal / Hitit İlahiyat Dergisi21 ( 2 )

In this article we will focus on a famous rawī, named Ibn Lahīʿa. It is possible to find Ibn Lahīʿa, whose lineage is mentioned as ʿAbd Allah ibn Lahīʿa b. ʿUqba al-Miṣrī, frequently in early jarḥ-taʿdīl sources and muṣannaf works. But, especially from the view of ḥāadīth narrations and rijāl criticism, he is often mentioned negatively. For example, among the statements about his jarḥ-taʿdīl status, we find such expressions as “He is ḍaʻīf (weak).”, “He is ḍaʻīf al-ḥadīth.”, “His ḥadīths do not qualify to be used as evidence.”, “He is not qawī.” or similar expressions which have become widespread, and he is mostly considered majrūḥ. . . . Also, we can see that some prominent scholars who are considered experts in this field said about him, “Do not even take a letter from him!”, and “More or less, I never take ḥadīths from him!” and they have warned us to stay away from him and his ḥadīths. However, we can learn from the rijāl sources of the first period and the recent academic studies about him that there are also scholars who say laudatory words about him. For instance, the addressee of these laudatory words is the same person: “Ibn Lahîʻa has first-hand sources.”; “There are even those who go on pilgrimages many times just to meet him.”; “His memory was solid.”; “When someone says the muḥaddith of Egypt, he comes to mind.” These two different approaches about him show that it would be useful to re-establish Ibn Lahīʿa’s situation in all aspects and with an unbiased eye. We think that the way to get to know him in a way that is free from prejudice and impartial is to take a closer look at him and focus on the environment in which he grew up. Therefore, in this article, the geography of Ibn Lahīʿa’s life, the widespread madrasas, and the scholarly life in that region have been briefly discussed. Our aim in doing this is to try to get clues about whether the provisions given about Ibn Lahīʿa, who grew up in an environment where Sunni-Shiite differences of opinion reigned, where fanaticism of faith occurred quite a lot in the geography and century where he lived, where there were sectarian bigotries and mostly there was no calm scholarly environment. From the earliest periods, the region of Egypt, the geography in which he lived, attracted attention as a place where the ṣahaba often visited, especially in terms of ḥadīth, fiqh, and history of Islam, where there is an intensive scholarly working environment. It is safe to say that the following names are at the forefront among ṣahaba who were residents in Egypt or passed through it at any time: ʿUthmān, Abū Ayyūb al-Ansārī, Abū Hurayra, Ibn ʿAbbās, ʿAmmār b. Yāsir, ʿAmr b. al-ʿĀṣ, ʿAbd Allāh b. ʿUmar, ʿAbd Allāh b. ʿAmr b. al-ʿĀṣ, al-Zubayr b. al-ʿAwwām, Saʿd b. Abū Waqqāṣ, ʿUbāda b. al-Ṣāmit, Jābir b. ʿAbd Allāh al-Anṣārī, Khāṯīb b. Abū Baltaʿa, Abū al-Dardā, Abū Ḏar al-Ghifārī, Diḥyah b. Khalīfa al-Kalbī, Muʿāwiya b. Abū Sufyān, Mughīra b. Shuʿba, Miqdād b. al-Aswad, ʿAbd Allāh b. Khuzāfa, ʿAbd Allāh b. al-Zubayr b. al-ʿAwwām, Rāfiʿ b. Mālik, Salama b. al-Akwaʿ, Sahl b. Saʿd al-Sāʿidī, Shuraḥbil b. Ḥasana, Sila b. al-Haris al-Ghifari, ʿAbd Allāh b. Ḥārith b. Caz’ al-Zubaydī, ʿAbd Allāh b. Saʿd b. Abū Sarh, ʿAbd al-Raḥmān b. Abū Bakr al-Ṣiddīq, ʿUqba b. ʿAmir al-Juhanī, Muḥammad b. Maslama. Among these names, it appears that ʿAbd Allāh b. ʿAmr b. al-ʿĀṣ mainly directs the scholarly activities of Egypt. Here, an investigation of the effects of Egyptian geography on Ibn Lahīʿa, which has been the scene of mobility in scientific, intellectual, religious, political, and social aspects since the time of the ṣahaba, will be able to help us to get to know him more closely. The fact that there are not enough studies in the Turkish literature that deals with the scholarly environment in the second century of the Hijra in which Ibn Lahīʿa lived and the idea that new research to be done will lead to better recognition of him have led to the emergence of the present article. Unlike other studies conducted on him, this article mainly examines the scientific district and somewhat influential madrasas in Egypt during Ibn Lahīʿa’s upbringing. The present study shows that Egypt was very dynamic city politically, culturally, and scientifically in the age of Ibn Lahīʿa; especially that madrasas of history, fiqh, and story/preaching carried out an intensive activity. Bu makalenin merkezinde İbn Lehîʻa isimli meşhur bir râvi vardır. Nesebi Abdullah b. Lehîʻa b. Ukbe el-Mısrî şeklinde kaydedilen İbn Lehî‘a’ya ilk dönem cerh-ta‘dil kaynaklarında ve musannef eserlerde sıkça rastlamak mümkündür. Ancak, özellikle hadis rivayetleri ve ricâl tenkidi açısından bakıldığında genellikle ondan olumsuz olarak bahsedilir. Söz gelimi onun cerh-taʻdil durumu hakkında yer alan ifadeler arasında kendisinin zayıf olduğu, hadisinin delil olarak kullanılmaya uygun olmadığı, kuvvetli bir râvi sayılmadığı veya buna yakın anlatımların yaygınlık kazandığı ve onun çoğunlukla cerh edildiği dikkat çekmektedir. Yine bu alanın uzmanı sayılan önde gelen bazı âlimlerin “Ondan bir harf bile alma!”, “Ondan az ya da çok, asla hadis almam!”, gibi cümlerle kendisinden ve rivayetlerinden uzak durulması konusunda uyarılarda bulunduklarını görmekteyiz. Bununla birlikte onun hakkında övgü dolu sözler söyleyen âlimlerimizin de olduğunu, yine ilk dönem rical kaynaklarından ve bunlara atıf yapan son dönem akademik çalışmalarından öğrenebilmekteyiz. Mesela, İbn Lehî‘a’nın birinci el kaynaklara sahip olduğu, sırf onunla karşılaşmak için defalarca hacca gidenlerin bile bulunduğu; hafızasının çok güçlü olduğu, Mısır’ın muhaddisi denilince onun akla geldiği gibi övgü dolu sözlerin muhatabı da aynı İbn Lehîʻa’dır. Onun hakkındaki bu iki farklı yaklaşım, İbn Lehî‘a’nın durumunun her yönüyle ve tarafsız bir gözle yeniden ortaya konulmasının faydalı olacağını göstermektedir. Onu önyargılardan uzak ve tarafsız bir şekilde tanımanın yolu ise kendisine daha yakından bakmak ve yetiştiği çevreye odaklanmaktır diye düşünüyoruz. Buna binaen bu makalede İbn Lehî‘a’nın yaşadığı coğrafya, o bölgedeki yaygın medreseler ve ilmî hayat kısaca ele alınmaya çalışılmıştır. Bunu yapmaktaki amacımız, yaşadığı coğrafyada ve yüzyılda zaman zaman Sünnî-Şiî fikir ayrılıklarının hüküm sürdüğü, itikadî taassupların yaşandığı ve genellikle sâkin bir ilmî ortamın bulunmadığı bir çevrede yetişen İbn Lehî‘a hakkında verilen hükümlerin tarafsız olup olmadığı konusunda ipuçları elde etmeye çalışmaktır. Onun yaşadığı Mısır bölgesi, erken dönemlerden itibaren sahabenin sıkça uğradığı, özellikle hadis-fıkıh ve tarih ilimleri açısından yoğun bir ilmî mesâinin ortaya konulduğu bir yer olarak dikkat çekmektedir. Sahabeden Mısır’a yerleşen veya oraya bir şekilde uğrayan kişiler arasında şu isimlerin ön planda olduğu söylenebilir: Hz. Ömer, Hz. Osman, Ebû Eyyûb el-Ensârî, Ebû Hüreyre, İbn Abbas, Ammâr b. Yâsir, Amr b. el- s, Abdullah b. Ömer, Abdullah b. Amr b. el- s, ez-Zübeyr b. el-Avvâm, Sa‘d b. Ebî Vakkâs, Ubâde b. es-Sâmit, Câbir b. Abdillah el-Ensârî, Hâtıb b. Ebî Belta‘a, Ebü’d-Derdâ, Ebû Zer el-Ğifârî, Dıhye b. Halife el-Kelbî, Muâviye b. Ebî Süfyân, Muğîre b. Şu‘be, Mikdâd b. el-Esved, Abdullah b. Huzâfe, Abdullah b. ez-Zübeyr b. el-Avvâm, Râfi‘ b. Mâlik, Seleme b. el-Ekvâ‘, Sehl b. Sa‘d es-Sâ‘idî, Şürahbîl b. Hasene, Sıla b. el-Hâris el-Ğifârî, Abdullah b. Hâris b. Cez’ ez-Zübeydî, Abdullah b. Sa‘d b. Ebî Serh, Abdurrahman b. Ebî Bekr es-Sıddîk, Ukbe b. mir el-Cühenî, Muhammed b. Mesleme. Bu isimler arasında ise daha çok Abdullah b. Amr b. el- s’ın Mısır’ın ilmî faaliyetlerine yön verdiği anlaşılmaktadır. İşte sahabe döneminden itibaren ilmî, fikrî, itikadî, siyasî ve sosyal açılardan büyük bir hareketliliğe sahne olan Mısır coğrafyasının İbn Lehîʻa üzerindeki etkilerini araştırmak onun daha yakından tanınmasına yardımcı olabilecektir. Türkçe literatürde İbn Lehî‘a’nın yaşadığı hicrî ikinci asırdaki ilmî ortamı ele alan çalışmaların yeterli sayıda olmaması ve yapılacak yeni araştırmaların, onun daha iyi tanınmasına vesile olacağı düşüncesi böyle bir makalenin ortaya çıkmasını sağlamıştır. Kendisiyle ilgili yapılan diğer çalışmalardan farklı olarak bu makale daha çok, İbn Lehî‘a’nın yetiştiği dönemde Mısır’daki ilmî muhiti ve biraz da etkin medreseleri incelemektedir. Çalışmamız sonunda İbn Lehî‘a’nın yaşadığı çağda Mısır’ın siyasî, kültürel ve ilmî bakımdan oldukça hareketli olduğu; özellikle tarih, fıkıh ve kıssa/vaaz medreselerinin yoğun bir faaliyet icra ettiği sonucuna varılmıştır More less



Article | 2022 | Muhasebe Bilim Dünyası Dergisi / World of Accounting Science24 ( 3 )

Generation Y or the Millennial Youth, the generation most affected by communication technologies, leading to innovations in many areas, from marketing to education. In our study, the flipped education/class model is implemented in the “End-of-period Transactions” course, during the 2019-2020 fall semester. The results show that the average Quiz, Midterm and Final grades of the flipped education/class were higher than those of the control group. The interviews revealed that the most important advantage of this method was the ease of access to the materials and applications, while sparing time to prepare before the lesson was the disa . . .dvantage. Keyword: Flipped Learning Model, End-Of-Period Transactions, Manas Universit More less

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