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Article | 2019 | Современные проблемы науки и образования ( 6 )

В статье представлены результаты проведенного впервые в Кыргызстане экспериментального исследования эффективности использования этнических игр кыргызов для улучшения показателей сердечно-сосудистой системы у жителей предпенсионного возраста (50-55 лет в условиях среднегорья). Обследованы 45 человек данной возрастной категории. В первую группу респондентов входят люди, регулярно занимающиеся этническими подвижными играми, во вторую группу - занимающиеся современными видами физической культуры. Использованы методы анализа научно-методической литературы, метод Короткова, пульсоксиметрия, проба Мартине-Кушелевского, математико-статистич . . .еские методы. Полученные в ходе экспериментального исследования сравнительные результаты показали эффективность методики использования этнических подвижных игр кыргызов для улучшения показателей сердечно-сосудистой системы в возрастном периоде 50-55 лет в условиях среднегорья Кыргызстана. Так, к примеру, полученные в ходе 2-го обследования данные группы с использованием этнических игр, а также результаты группы с использованием средств современной физической культуры выше результатов 1-го проведенного обследования. Колебания частоты сердечных сокращений при 2-м обследовании в первой группе и в группе с использованием современных средств физической культуры (СФК) в гендерном разделении достоверно ниже, в среднем частота сердечных сокращений (ЧСС) равна 70 уд/мин по сравнению с данными 1-го обследования (у мужчин в среднем ЧСС - 78,0 уд/мин, а у женщин - 84 уд/мин). В состоянии покоя разброс показателей по частоте сердечных сокращений и насыщение кислородом имеют достоверные различия по полу и возрасту. Пробы с дозированной мышечной нагрузкой при 2-м обследовании в первой группе и в группе СФК указывают на увеличение разброса показателей частоты сердечных сокращений после нагрузки в среднем на 25,5-27 уд/мин (35,4-37%). Время восстановления ЧСС происходит на 3-й минуте, где наблюдается нормотонический тип реакции, что свидетельствует о хорошей приспособляемости организма к физической нагрузке More less

Evaluation of Websites as Digital Diplomacy Tools in Terms of Design Criteria: In the Case of Sports Ministry of Turkey and Kyrgyzstan


Chapter of Books | 2022 | Maintaining International Relations Through Digital Public Diplomacy Policies and Discourses ( Chapter 8 )

The importance of digital diplomacy, which we encounter as public diplomacy activities on digital platforms, has been recognized more and more, and it has been actively used by many countries through applications such as social media accounts and websites. In the light of this information, the aim of the study is to reveal the ways in which the ministry of sports, which is responsible for sports and athletes, which increases the awareness and prestige of countries in national and international platforms, uses websites as a digital diplomacy tool. The official websites of the Ministries of Sports of Turkey and Kyrgyzstan, which were . . .determined as the sample of the study, were analyzed with the categorical content analysis method, and the similarities and differences between the use of the websites of the ministries were determined. Keyword: Ministry of Sports; digital diplomacy; digitalization; web design; Ministry of Youth and Sports of Republic of Turkey; network society; Ministry of Culture, Information, Sports, and Youth Policy of the Kyrgyz Republi More less

Study of the individual innovative level of teachers of different directions of disciplines


Article | 2023 | Наука и спорт: современные тенденции11 ( 4 )

The purpose of the research is to determine the features of the formation of the individual innovative level of teachers in different directions of disciplines.Methods and organization of research. The survey method was used in this study. This study is descriptive and inferential in nature. The study involved teachers working in various secondary schools subordinated to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic. The study was formed based on voluntary participation criteria. A researcher-prepared questionnaire with demographic information and the Individual Innovativeness Scale were used for data collection in th . . .is study. The data obtained were processed using the statistical program SPSS 26.0. Descriptive statistics, a T-test for independent groups and a one-way ANOVA test according to the mean scores of 286 teachers' responses provided according to the scales were used in analyzing the data.The research results and their discussion. During the study, it was found that the differences in the total scores obtained by study participants on the Individual Innovativeness Scale do not have statistically significant differences taking into account the gender variable. However, statistically significant differences were found according to different discipline areas, which was in favor of physical education and music teachers.Significant differences were also observed depending on the age variable among the study participants. Teachers in the 20-25 age group showed higher levels of individual indicators of innovativeness. In addition, significant differences were found according to length of service. Teachers with 21 or more years of experience showed significantly higher scores than their colleagues with less than 5 years of experience. It is important to note that there was also a difference according to the economic status of the participants. Teachers with lower economic status showed higher scores than teachers with average economic status.Conclusion. As a result of the analysis, it was revealed that the average indicators of the individual innovative level of teachers participating in the study are at a positive level. In addition, it was found that the indicators of the individual innovative level of teachers do not differ significantly according to the gender variable, but there are significant differences depending on the variables of experience, age, different areas of disciplines and economic status. Ключевые слова:education, application of technology, individual innovative leve More less

The Use of Ethnic Games and Facilities in the Conditions of the Middle Mountains to Improve the Physical Development and Physical Readiness of Adults (50-55 Years Old)


Article | 2022 | Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results13

Aim. Design of a program for the use of ethnic games and means to improve the physical development and physical fitness of residents of the middle mountains of 50-55 years of age in gender division.Methods. The survey involved 45 people. In the group of ethnic games - 16 people (8 men and 8 women), in the group of modern physical culture (MFE) - 29 people (17 men and 12 women). Standard methods were used to determine anthropometric indicators. A set of tests for the study of physical qualities was used to assess general fitness levels. According to Student's t-test, mathematical and statistical methods were applied.Results. Comparat . . .ive analysis of the results showed that the data of the 2nd survey are ahead of the results of the initial measurement in terms of chest circumference, body weight in men (reliability - P More less

Сравнительный анализ функциональных показателей и физической работоспособности волейболисток 12-15 лет


Article | 2022 | Научный вестник МГУСиТ: спорт, туризм, гостеприимство ( 4(74) )

В данной работе изучались функциональные показатели и физическая работоспособность волейболисток в возрасте 12-15 лет. Исследования проводились в детско-юношеских спортивных школах г. Кант, Токмок и Кара-Балта, Чуйской области, Кыргызской Республики, в которых приняли участие 45 волейболисток в возрасте от 12 до 15 лет. Исследования были проведены в два этапа с определенным периодом времени 6 месяцев, с учётом квалификации и результатов соревнований. Использованы методы: медико-биологические методы - физиометрия, проба Мартина-Кушелевского, Гарвардский степ-тест, математико-статистические методы (SPSS-22). В результате 1-го и 2-го о . . .бследований морфофункциональных показателей исследованных команд наилучшие результаты выявлены в команде г. Кант, где в годичном цикле учебно-тренировочных занятий наибольший обьем часов 132/162 был отведен на общую физическую и соревновательную виды подготовки, а также здесь прослеживается связь спортивной квалификации волейболисток и результативность на соревнованиях. При оценке уровня физической работоспособности волейболисток 12-15 лет по результатам пробы Мартине Кушелевского при 2-м обследовании результаты оцениваются как «благоприятные» у всех команд. По результатам Гарвардского теста в команде г. Кант оценивается как «выше средней», в командах Токмок и Кара-Балта «средние». По типу реакции на нагрузку у всех команд «нормотонический» тип говорит о хорошем уровне а «гипотонический» об удовлетворительном уровне физической работоспособности More less



Article | 2023 | Наука и спорт: современные тенденции11 ( 3 )

The purpose of this research is to describe the stress state of students of the Department of Physical Education and Coaching Education of the Faculty of Sports Sciences on different variables. A descriptive screening model was used in the study. The study used a descriptive scanning model. The study group consists of 160 students, 20 students from each class, studying at the Faculty of Sports Sciences, Kahramanmarash Sutcu Imam University in the academic year 2021-2022. The research data was collected using the Personal Information Form prepared by the researcher and the Rosenbaum Learned Resourcefulness Scale (RÖGÖ), adapted into . . .Turkish by Dağ and Siva. Arithmetic mean, standard deviation, t-criterion, and one-way variance ( More less

Üniversite Okul Takımlarında Yer Alan Bireysel ve Takım Sporu Yapan Öğrencilerin Öfke Düzeylerinin Farklı Değişkenlere Göre İncelenmesi


Article | 2021 | MANAS Journal of Social Studies (MJSS) - MANAS Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi10 ( 3 )

Bu araştırmanın amacı, üniversite öğrencilerinin öfke düzeylerini farklı değişkenlere göre araştırmaktır. Araştırmada betimsel nitelikli tarama modeli kullanıldı. Bu araştırma Kırgızistan Türkiye Manas üniversitesi bünyesinde farklı spor branşlarına sahip üniversite öğrencileri ile sürdürüldü. Çalışmaya 89 erkek 51 kadın katıldı ve gönüllü katılım kriteri esas alındı. Araştırmanın verileri araştırmacı tarafından hazırlanan kişisel bilgi formu ve sürekli öfke ve öfke tarzlarının belirlenmesi için sürekli Öfke-Öfke Tarz Ölçeği (SÖ-ÖTÖ) kullanıldı. Elde edilen veriler bilgisayar ortamında SPSS 21.0 istatistik programı aracılığıyla değe . . .rlendirildi. Normallik analizleri yapılarak ikili grup karşılaştırmaları için independent sample t testi üç ve daha fazla grup karşılaştırmaları için One Way Anova testi kullanıldı. Gruplar arasındaki karşılaştırmalarda ise LSD ve scheffe testleri kullanıldı. Çalışmanın sonucunda üniversite öğrencilerinin sürekli öfke – öfke tarz ölçeği alt boyutları ile cinsiyet, aktif spor yılı ve spor düzeyleri arasında anlamlı bir fark olmadığı görüldü ancak öğrencilerin sahip oldukları branş ve yaş değişkeni arasında sürekli öfke ve öfke dış alt boyutunun etkilendiği tespit edildi. Bu çalışmada tercih edilen spor branşı ve yaş faktörü öğrencilerde öfke düzeylerinin belirlenmesi ve öğrencilerin öfkelerini kolay bir şekilde ifade edebilme yetenekleri üzerinde etkili olabileceği sonucuna varılmıştır More less



Article | 2023 | Наука и спорт: современные тенденции11 ( 4 )

Purpose of the research is to determine the levels of overcoming stress in sports by judo athletes.Methods and organization of research. In this study, scanning method was used. This study has a descriptive and logical nature. It was carried out in Bishkek city of Kyrgyzstan in 2022. 134 judo athletes voluntarily took part in the survey. A demographic information form prepared by the researcher and a Sports Confidence Scale were used to collect data. The obtained data were processed using the statistical program SPSS 25.0. Using parametric tests on the data, t-test was used for pairwise group comparisons, ANOVA test was applied for . . .comparing more than two groups, and Post Hoc Tukey multiple comparison test was applied to determine the differences between groups.The research results and their discussion. There were no significant differences in the perceived continuous level of sports confidence among the judo athletes who participated in the study, taking into account the gender variable. Nevertheless, significant differences emerged according to the level of sportsmanship among professional athletes. In addition, significant differences in the perceived level of sports confidence among the judo athletes who participated in the study were found depending on their nationality. It is also important to note the significant influence of the experience in a given sport on the level of sports confidence, while the experience in sports activity has a positive effect on this indicator.Conclusion. There were no statistically significant differences between the athletes participating in the research in terms of gender variable, but there is a statistically significant difference based on skill level among professional athletes. Differences in performance among athletes were also found depending on nationality, age and length of sports career, especially among those with 5-6 years of experience. Ключевые слова:judo, confidence in sports, confidenc More less



Article | 2023 | Teoriya i Praktika Fizicheskoy Kultury / Теория и практика физической культуры ( 6 )

Objective of the study was to develop and substantiate the theoretical and applied aspects of creating a health-forming educational system based on the implementation of the pedagogical and health-improving potential of an educational institution. Methods and structure of the study. The methods of generalization, systematization, methods of analysis of normative documents, the study and generalization of the advanced pedagogical experience of general education schools were used to specify the main goals and objectives of the health-forming pedagogical system and develop the content of its main elements for the full implementation of . . . the pedagogical and health-improving potential of an educational institution for the formation of health, timely socialization and prevention of deviant behavior of students. Results and conclusions. A model of a health-forming system has been developed, which is based on the use of health-saving educational and health technologies and is aimed at mastering a complex of knowledge about health, building an individual strategy for the formation and preservation of the health of schoolchildren. It was revealed that the main elements of the health-forming pedagogical system are organizational and pedagogical technologies; educational technologies; health-improving technologies; psychological and pedagogical technologies; socially adaptive and personality-developing technologies. The results of the implementation of this model are the formation of the value attitude of students to health, sustainable interest and need for physical culture and sports activities, the physical, mental and social health of the student, and also contributes to the full implementation of the pedagogical and health-improving potential of the educational institution in the formation of health, timely socialization and prevention of deviant behavior of students. Keyword: health; technology; competence; motivation; pedagogical potential; educational system; schoolchildren Цель исследования - разработать и обосновать теоретические и прикладные аспекты создания здоровьеформирующей образовательной системы на основе реализации педагогического и оздоровительного потенциала образовательного учреждения. Методика и организация исследования. Использованы методы обобщения, систематизации, методы анализа нормативных документов, изучение и обобщение передового педагогического опыта общеобразовательных школ для конкретизации основных целей и задач здоровьеформирующей педагогической системы и разработки содержания ее основных элементов для полноценной реализации педагогического и оздоровительного потенциала образовательного учреждения по формированию здоровья, своевременной социализации и профилактики девиантного поведения учащихся. Результаты исследования и выводы. Разработана модель здоровьеформирующей системы, которая основана на применении здоровьесберегающих образовательных и оздоровительных технологий и направлена на освоение комплекса знаний о здоровье, построение индивидуальной стратегии формирования и сохранение здоровья школьников. Выявлено, что основными элементами здоровьеформирующей педагогической системы являются организационно-педагогические технологии; учебно-воспитательные технологии; лечебно-оздоровительные технологии; психолого-педагогические технологии; социально-адаптирующие и личностно-развивающие технологии. Результатами реализации данной модели является формирование ценностного отношения учащихся к здоровью, устойчивого интереса и потребности в физкультурно-спортивной деятельности, физическое, психическое и социальное здоровье школьника, а также содействует полноценной реализации педагогического и оздоровительного потенциала образовательного учреждения по формированию здоровья, своевременной социализации и профилактики девиантного поведения учащихся. Ключевые слова: здоровье, технологии, компетентность, мотивация, педагогический потенциал, образовательная система, школьник More less



Article | 2021 | Acta Medica Mediterranea37 ( 2 )

Objective: In this study, exercise-induced changes in blood parameters of Kyrgyz elite athletes were evaluated during 6 months. Methods: Eight male (n = 8) and three female (n = 3) athletes were included. Blood samples were taken at 3 months intervals before and after the exercise (shuttle run). Erythrocyte (RBC), total leukocyte (WBC), platelet (PLT), neutrophil (NOTR), lymphocyte (LNF) count, hemoglobin (HGB) and hematocrit (HCT) values, mean erythrocyte volume (MCV), mean erythrocyte hemoglobin concentration (MCHC) and also venous blood pH, PO2, PCO2, SAT O2, HCO3, BE, Na, K, Cl, serum glucose (Glu), total protein (TP), total ch . . .olesterol (TC), HDL cholesterol (HDL-C), triglyceride (Trig), blood urea nitrogen (BUN), creatinine (Creat), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and creatinine phosphokinase (CPK) levels were determined. Results: The WBC, LNF, and NOTR values of the male athletes were found high (p < 0.05) after the exercise periods. In male athletes, HDL-C and BUN levels increased (p < 0.05), while Glu levels (p < 0.05) decreased due to exercise in each measurement. An increased pO2, O2SAT, K, and Anion Gap levels, however, decreased pH, pCO2, HCO3, and BE values were determined after the exercise. Conclusion: Our data showed that exercise caused an acute increase in immune system cell counts (WBC, LNF and NOTR), also HDL-C and O2SAT values in male elite athletics athletes, but the six-month period did not cause any significant change in all of the blood parameters More less



Article | 2023 | Teoriya i Praktika Fizicheskoy Kultury / Теория и практика физической культуры ( 4 )

Objective of the study was to identify the conditions and stages of formation of professionally significant technological competencies of bachelors of physical culture to improve the quality of training of future teachers of physical culture. Methods and structure of the study. The methods of generalization, systematization, methods of document analysis, generalization of the experience of pedagogical universities were used to specify the goals and objectives of the main educational program for the preparation of bachelors of physical culture in accordance with the requirements of the State Educational Standard of Higher Professiona . . .l Education in the direction of Physical Education (2021) and the development of professional competencies of a physical education teacher in accordance with the stages of the learning process at the university. Results and conclusions. The content of the curricula for the training of bachelors of physical culture has been developed, in accordance with the requirements of the new State Standard of Higher Professional Education in the direction of Physical Education (2021), based on the principles of consistency, continuity, humanization of education, competence-based, personality-oriented and activity-based approaches to education. It was revealed that the use of a practice-oriented health-saving education trajectory contributes to the formation of professionally significant competencies of future physical education teachers. Keyword: human health; humanization of education; teaching principles; technological competencies Цель исследования - выявление условий и этапов формирования профессионально-значимых технологических компетенций бакалавров физической культуры для повышения качества подготовки будущих педагогов физической культуры. Методика и организация исследования. Использованы методы обобщения, систематизации, методы анализа документов, обобщения опыта педагогических вузов для конкретизации цели и задач основной образовательной программы подготовки бакалавров физической культуры в соответствии с требованиями ГОС ВПО по направлению «Физическая культура» (2021 г.) и разработки профессиональных компетенций педагога физической культуры в соответствии с этапами процесса обучения в вузе. Результаты исследования и выводы. Разработано содержание учебных планов подготовки бакалавров физической культуры, в соответствии с требованиями нового Госстандарта ВПО по направлению «Физическая культура» (2021 г.), на принципах системности, непрерывности, гуманизации образования, компетентностного, личностно-ориентированного и деятельностного подходов к образованию. Выявлено, что использование практикоориентированной здоровьесберегающей траектории образования способствует формированию профессионально-значимых компетенций будущих педагогов физкультуры. Ключевые слова: гуманизация образования, приоритет здоровья человека, технологические компетенции, принципы обучени More less



Article | 2022 | European Journal of Natural History ( 2 )

COVID-19 is a new viral disease that differs from other diseases caused by coronaviruses. It is attributed to the group of quarantine and especially dangerous infections due to the ability to cause pandemic spread and high mortality. The COVID-19 pandemic was disastrous and had huge negative consequences for individuals, families, populations and communities around the world. There continues to be a risk of the return or repeat waves of COVID-19, and there is a need to constantly monitor and suppress the transmission of the virus among the population by taking appropriate measures. Citizens should protect themselves and others by ob . . .serving the necessary hygiene measures, that is, washing their hands, avoiding touching their face, and observing proper “respiratory etiquette”, social distance keeping individually, isolation in institutions or at home in case of illness, if necessary, reporting contact with a confirmed case and promoting the use of physical distancing measures. In this context, a study was conducted on the level of awareness of students and the implementation of preventive measures against the spread and transmission of SARS-CoV-2, recommended by WHO, among students in the 3rd year of the Medical Faculty of the B.N. Yeltsin Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University, including students from India. Comparison is made between the faculties regarding the implementation of preventive measures against COVID-19 infection. A brief description of the epidemic process of COVID-19 is given More less

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