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Determination of some trace elements in various lichens as biomonitors of pollution and assessment of pollution status


Article | 2023 | Niğde Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi12 ( 3 )

Some trace elements in various lichens as biomonitors of pollution were investigated. Also, the pollution status was assessed by enrichment factor, contamination factor, and pollution load index. Investigated elements were Ta, Bi, Hf, Nb, Ga, Sc, Li, Y, Ce, and Sr. The lichen species were Rhizoplaca chrysoleuca, Umbilicaria vellea, Aspicilia calcarea, Pseudevernia furfuracea, and Cetraria islandica. According to the results, lichen species accumulate Sr element well. The highest trace element accumulated by Pseudevernia furfuracea (21.7±1.0 mg/kg; 75), Rhizoplaca chrysoleuca (31.9±1.6 mg/kg; 61), Umbilicaria vellea (16.3±0.8 mg/kg; . . .59), Aspicilia calcarea (77.9±3.8 mg/kg; 88), and Cetraria islandica (22.7±1.1 mg/kg; 75) was determined as Sr. The highest CFs in lichens investigated were calculated for Sr, Ta, and Li. PLI values for Cetraria islandica, Aspicilia calcarea, and Umbilicaria vellea were greater than 1. As a result, it has been proven that these lichen species can be used as good biomonitors of pollution. Keyword: accumulation; biomonitor; lichen; pollutio More less

A 2,2-dichloropropionic acid-degrading novel Pseudomonas fluorescence strain fatsa001: isolation, identification, and characterization


Article | 2024 | Bioremediation Journal ( Published online: 27 Feb 2024 )

There are mounting concerns over the high concentrations of non-biogenic, toxic halogenated organic compounds being liberated into the ecosystem. Therefore, this study’s isolation of a novel bacterium from a contaminated stream in Fatsa, Ordu, Turkey, adept in degrading 2,2-dichloropropionic (of 2,2-DCP) is a welcome endeavor. The ability of the bacterial isolate to utilize 2,2-DCP as the sole carbon and energy source was discovered when the bacterium was observed to grow well on liquid minimal media containing 20 mM of 2,2-DCP, showing a doubling time of 14.2 h. The following genetic and biochemical characterizations revealed that . . .the 16S rRNA sequence of the fatsa001strain is identical (99) to Pseudomonas fluorescence, after which the sequence was deposited in the NCBI GenBank as Pseudomonas sp. strain fatsa001 (MN098848). The halogen-degrading ability of the P. fluorescens fatsa001 bacterium was again confirmed by the PCR data, which showed the presence of a conserved group of amino acids from the group I dehalogenase gene. It worth mentioning here that this is the first report on a P. fluorescence bacterial strain with the ability to degrade toxic 2,2-DCP. The detoxification ability of this bacterium envisages its practicality as an in situ environmental bioremediation agent. Keyword: dalapon herbicide; dehalogenase; dehalogenation; recalcitran More less

Cytogenetic and Oxidative Status of Cultured Lymphocytes after Exposure to Extracts from Rhizopogon Mushrooms (Agaricomycetes) In Vitro


Article | 2021 | International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms23 ( 3 )

In this study, acetone and water extracts obtained from edible mushrooms, Rhizopogon luteolus Fr. and Rh. roseolus (Corda) Th. Fr., containing important bioactive components were used. Total antioxidant capacity (TAC) and total oxidative stress (TOS) levels were examined on human peripheral lymphocyte culture treated with the respective extracts. Levels of genetic damage and cytotoxic effects of the respective extracts on lymphocytes were also tested. In general, when TAC levels of the extracts on cells were examined, a concentration-dependent increase was observed; a negative correlation was found between TOS data and concentration . . .. Genotoxicity tests (chromosome aberration and micronucleus analysis) revealed that the concentrations of the extract applications did not significantly (P > 0.05) change genotoxicity on human peripheral lymphocyte culture compared to the negative control. Considering all of the results obtained, it was determined that applications of Rh. luteolus and Rh. roseolus extracts, especially at concentrations of 50 and 100 mg/L, increased the TAC value of lymphocytes, which play an important role in the human inunune system, without causing genetic or oxidative stress More less

Redescription of Osmylus multiguttatus McLachlan, 1870 (Neuroptera: Osmylidae) with distributional remarks


Article | 2013 | Zootaxa3741 ( 3 )

Osmylus multiguttatus McLachlan, 1870 has recently been rediscovered in the Middle Anatolia. Redescription of the male and female is presented. Faunistic data and habitat are provided. Photograph of wings, drawings of male and female external and internal genitalia are illustrated for the first time. The distribution map with new recording sites and recent data is also given. A preliminary key to species of Osmylus is presented. - Key words: Osmylidae, Osmylus, Osmylus multiguttatus, redescription, genitalia, Turkey



Article | 2023 | Международный журнал прикладных и фундаментальных исследований ( 6 )

Биологическое разнообразие и естественные экологические среды восстанавливают загрязненные и токсичные почвы. Возрастает потребность в растениях, очищающих природу и увеличивающих количество кислорода. Решением такого рода глобальной проблемы является выращивание уникального дерева Paulownia. Павловния - быстрорастущее дерево. В исследованиях мы изучили в лабораторных условиях особенности роста и развития Paulownia Pao Tong Z07 в различных экспериментальных группах. Основываясь на методе посева семян, вырастили саженцы в лабораторных условиях, которые в экспериментальных группах подвергались влиянию стимуляторов роста. Под влиянием . . .питательного экстракта НВ-101 рост оказался очень эффективным. Растения на действие биогумуса проявили средние результаты, почти равные с контрольной группой. Процесс роста и развития каждого растения происходит в экспериментальных группах по-разному. Некоторые экземпляры отстают в росте, но в какой-то период они также быстро произрастают. Из посаженных 90 семян выросли 72 экземпляра растения. Особенностью Paulownia являются крупные волокнистые листья, которые выделяют большое количество кислорода в атмосферу, действуют как пыле- и шумоуловители. Благодаря глубокой корневой системе, она эффективно очищает почву от тяжелых металлов и радионуклидов, улучшает плодородие, предотвращает эрозию почвы More less

Particle bombardment technology and its applications in plants

İbrahim İlker ÖZYİĞİT

Review | 2020 | Molecular Biology Reports47 ( 12 )

Particle bombardment, or biolistics, has emerged as an excellent alternative approach for plant genetic transformation which circumvents the limitations of Agrobacterium-mediated genetic transformation. The method has no biological constraints and can transform a wide range of plant species. Besides, it has been the most efficient way to achieve organelle transformation (for both chloroplasts and mitochondria) so far. Along with the recent advances in genome editing technologies, conventional gene delivery tools are now being repurposed to deliver targeted gene editing reagents into the plants. One of the key advantages is that the . . .particle bombardment allows DNA-free gene editing of the genome. It enables the direct delivery of proteins, RNAs, and RNPs into plants. Owing to the versatility and wide-range applicability of the particle bombardment, it will likely remain one of the major genetic transformation methods in the future. This article provides an overview of the current status of particle bombardment technology and its applications in the field of plant research and biotechnology More less

The Metal Complexes of Natural Compounds, Usnic Acid and Naringenin Immobilized on Mesoporous Silica: Solid Phase Extraction and Oxidative Catalytic Properties


Article | 2021 | Journal of the Chemical Society of Pakistan43 ( 6 )

The novel semi-natural Schiff bases were synthesized with the reaction of the natural compounds usnic acid and naringenin extracted and purified in natural sources and chemically modified silica gel. Cu(II), Ni(II), Co(II) and Mn(II) complexes of the ligands were synthesized and the silica-supported ligands and their metal complexes were characterized by FT-IR, TG/DTA, SEM, EDX, ICP-OES and elemental analyses techniques. The solid-phase extraction behaviours of the novel silica-supported ligands were examined. It was found that the hybrid materials showed the very efficient adsorption properties to Cu(II), Cd(II), Pb(II) and Cr(III) . . . metal ions maximum at pH=8-9. The metal ions could be recovered again nearly 100 ?rom the silica-supported ligands in the recycling experiments. The catalytic efficiencies of the metal complexes in the oxidation reactions of cyclohexane, cylohexene, cyclooctane and styrene subtrates were examined under microwave irradiation in the present of H2O2. The complexes showed very good catalytic activities in the oxidation reactions of the various tested substrates More less

Epidemiological characteristics and financial losses due to avian aspergillosis in households in the Almaty region, Republic of Kazakhstan


Article | 2023 | Frontiers in Veterinary Science10

Aspergillosis is a severe fungal disease that affects all species and ages of poultry and leads to significant economic losses within the poultry industry. The economic significance of aspergillosis is associated with direct losses due to poultry mortality, a decline in the production of meat and eggs, feed conversion, and poor growth of recovering poultry. Although a decrease in the production of poultry meat and eggs in Kazakhstan due to this fungal disease has been widely reported, studies on the consequent financial losses on affected farms (households) have not been carried out. This study aimed to estimate the financial losses . . . and epidemiological parameters of avian aspergillosis among households affected by the disease in the Almaty region. To achieve the objectives of the research, a survey was conducted involving affected households from February 2018 to July 2019. The affected poultry were diagnosed based on clinical, macroscopical, and microscopical procedures, and once the infection was confirmed, household owners were interviewed. Data were collected from 183 household owners. The median incidence risk and fatality rates were 39 and 26 in chickens, 42 and 22 in turkeys, and 37 and 33 in geese, respectively, with young poultry having a higher incidence risk and fatality rate than adults. Approximately 92.4 of the household owners treated the affected poultry using natural folk methods and 7.6 of household owners used antifungal drugs and antibiotics, spending a median of US 35.20 (min US 0; max US 400) per household throughout the course of the infection. Egg production was reduced by a median of 58.3 when households were affected. The price of poultry fell by a median of 48.6 immediately after recovery due to weight loss. The median of the overall financial losses of households was US 198.50 (min US 11; max US 1,269). The majority of household owners (65) did not replace their poultry, 9.8 of household owners replaced all their poultry, and the remaining 25.1 replaced only a proportion of the poultry lost at the time of the study. Newly acquired poultry were purchased from neighbors (10.9), fellow villagers (50), and state poultry farms (39.1). This study demonstrates that aspergillosis has an immediate impact on subsistence household owners' livelihoods in the Almaty region of Kazakhstan. Keywords: epidemiological characteristics; financial losses; households; poultry; aspergillosis; Kazakhsta More less



Article | 2022 | Международный журнал прикладных и фундаментальных исследований ( 6 )

В статье представлены результаты работы по выявлению содержания тяжелых металлов в некоторых видах макромицетов, произрастающих на территории г. Бишкека, в различных по уровню техногенного загрязнения участках. Тяжелые металлы оказывают повреждающее действие на разных структурных уровнях организма и трудно выводятся, поэтому актуальной проблемой является поиск эффективных энтеросорбентов, способных снизить их аккумуляцию в организме человека. Такими свойствами обладают сорбенты из природных продуктов, среди которых особое место занимает полисахарид хитин, благодаря таким его уникальным свойствам, как биосовместимость, биодеградируем . . .ость, нетоксичность и бактерицидность. Исследования проводились в 2020-2021 гг. Анализы проводились химико-спектральным методом, который основан на полном испарении анализируемой пробы. Результаты анализов на содержание тяжелых металлов показали, что во всех указанных точках они выше от 23 % до 40 % по сравнению с контрольной точкой. Повышенное содержание тяжелых металлов по сравнению с контрольной группой объясняется антропогенным фактором и широким использованием их в электротехнике, в различных аккумуляторных соединениях. Содержание ртути превышает только в городской свалке Бишкека. Предметы, представляющие угрозу для окружающей среды и подлежащие утилизации, выносятся вместе с остальными More less

Патогистологические изменение мозжечка и спинного мозга при чуме собак


Article | 2016 | Инновации в науке61 ( 12-2 )

Микроскопическими методами исследования установлено, что патогистологические изменения мозжечка при чуме собак в основном наблюдается в белом веществе в виде разрыхлений и вакуолообразных опустошений, наличием эозинофильных вирусных телец включений в глиальных клетках, в основном астроцитах, и периваскулярной инфильтрацией иммунных клеток. AK 10H3 позитивные клетки обнаружены в белом веществе, в гранулярной и ганглиозных слоях серого вещества мозжечка. Деструктивные изменения спинного мозга встречаются в менингах, в белом и сером веществах и эпендимальных клетках спинного канала, что и подтверждается AK 10H3 позитивной реакцией клет . . .ок при иммуногистохимии.- Ключевые слова: патогистологические изменения; вирусные тельца включения; мозжечок; спинной мозг; собака. By microscopic research methods are established, that histopathological alterations in the cerebellum of canine distemper is mainly observed in the white matter in the form of loosening and vacuolating devastation, the presence of eosinophilic viral inclusion bodies in the glial cells, mainly in astrocytes, and perivascular infiltration of immune cells. AK 10H3 positive cells were detected in the white matter, in the granular and ganglion layers of gray matter of cerebellar. Destructive alterations in the spinal cord occur in meninges, white and gray matters, ependymal cells of the spinal canal, which is confirmed by the AK 10H3 positive reaction cells by immunohistochemistry.- Keywords: pathohistological alterations; viral inclusion bodies; cerebellum; spinal cord; dog More less

Two new records of the Coniopteryx (Neuroptera: Coniopterygidae) species for the Turkish fauna


Article | 2013 | Turkish Journal of Zoology37 ( 2 )

Two species of the family Coniopterygidae, Coniopteryx (Xeroconiopteryx) loipetsederi H. Aspöck, 1963 and C. (Coniopteryx) borealis Tjeder, 1931, are here recorded for the first time in the Turkish fauna. Morphological and ecological notes as well as the distribution map with new recording sites are also provided. For C. loipetsederi, this is the most eastern record, and the eastern limits of the range of C. borealis have also been extended. - Keywords: Neuroptera, Coniopterygidae, Coniopteryx loipetsederi, Coniopteryx borealis, new records, Turkey

Chemical Characteristics and Biotechnological Potentials of Mumio

Yılmaz KAYA

Article | 2023 | MANAS Journal of Agriculture, Veterinary and Life Science (MJAVL)13 ( 2 )

Mumio is a valuable substance that ranges in color from pale brown to blackish-brown and is obtained from rock layers in various mountain ranges worldwide, particularly in the Tien Shan ranges of Kyrgyzstan. It is also a natural chemical found largely in the Himalayas, created over ages by the progressive degradation of particular plants by bacteria. Mumio is essentially a nutraceutical product with considerable human health advantages. To fully appreciate the predicted impact of mumio use in the medical area, particularly in neurological sciences, more research at both the fundamental biology level and through well-designed clinica . . .l trials is required. This involves a thorough examination of the various organic and inorganic elements that contribute to Mumio's therapeutic efficacy.The paper also dives into the results of Mumio's comprehensive biological and biotechnological analyses. These scientific research have revealed the mechanisms of action of this natural chemical and confirmed its medicinal claims. The article seeks to offer a full review of Mumio by merging traditional medicine knowledge, chemical analysis, and scientific assessments, stressing its relevance in traditional medicine and its potential for life science activities. Keyword: mumio; therapeutic value; traditional medicin More less

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