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The Role of Bee Products in the Control of Antimicrobial Resistance and Biofilm Formation


Review | 2024 | Kafkas Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi30 ( 2 )

The discovery of antibiotics saved many lives. Infections were not as deadly a problem for clinicians as they once were. However, due to inappropriate and excessive use of antibiotics, antibiotic resistance has increased dramatically worldwide. Infectious diseases are becoming more challenging to control, and they cause increased morbidity and mortality. Also, a significant risk to human health is posed by infections associated with biofilms. To combat these drug-resistant microorganisms, several novel and alternative strategies have been identified. Bee products such as honey, bee pollen, propolis, royal jelly, bee venom, bee wax, . . .and bee bread have the potential of being used as antimicrobial or antibiofilm agents in various industrial and medical applications. Although these products have some restrictions such as their varying and complex composition, they possess significant potential in the field of medical practices as viable alternatives to antibiotics. They offer a potential solution to the issue of antibiotic resistance. The objective of this review was to offer a comprehensive analysis and evaluation of strategies based on bee products that are currently employed or have been suggested against antimicrobial resistance. Keywords : antimicrobial resistance; antibiotic alternatives; biofilms; bee product More less

The Utilization of Bee Products as a Holistic Approach to Managing Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome-Related Infertility


Review | 2023 | Nutrients15 ( 5 )

Bee products, including honey, have been utilized since ancient times for nutritional and therapeutic purposes. Recently, other bee products such as bee pollen, royal jelly, and propolis have caught a lot of attention. Being high in antioxidants and bioactive compounds, these products have established their applications in the pharmaceutical field as supplementary or alternative medicines. This review focuses on their use against polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)-related infertility. A systematic search of electronic databases including PubMed, Web of Science ScienceDirect, and Google Scholar was conducted from their inceptions up . . .to November 2022. Studies with a small sample size, studies with inconclusive data, and pre-prints have been excluded. A narrative synthesis was performed during draft preparation after the authors independently performed a literature search. A total of 47 studies were finalized for the review. It can be observed that in vivo data on the use of bee products in treating PCOS mostly deals with their use in synergism with the PCOS medicines to enhance their effect and/or curb their side effects; however, clinical trials for the same are limited. With the amount of data being limited, it is difficult to map out the mechanism by which these products act in managing PCOS inside the human body. The review gives detailed insights into the reversal and restorative properties of bee products against the aberrations in reproductive health caused by PCOS. Keywords: bee products; polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS); systematic revie More less

Түркстандын Жети-Суу областынын Пишпек жана Пржевальский уездериндеги ветеринария тармагынын абалы (1868 1917-жж.)


Article | 2023 | MANAS Journal of Agriculture, Veterinary and Life Science (MJAVL)13 ( 1 )

XIX кылымдын 60-жылдарынан баштап Кыргызстандын учурдагы аймактары Россия империясынын курамына каратылган. Ошондуктан Кыргызстандын ветеринария тармагынын XIX кылымдын акырындагы жана XX кылымдын башындагы абалы Россия империясынын ветеринария тармагынын өнүгүү тарыхы менен тыгыз байланыштуу. Бул макаланын максаты – Түркстандын Жети-Суу областынын Пишпек жана Пржевальский уездериндеги ветеринария тармагынын 1868 1917-жылдардагы абалын Россия империясынын ветеринариясынын калыптануусунун жана өнүгүүсүнүн биринчи этабына салыштырып иликтөө болуп саналат. Изилдөөлөрдүн жыйынтыгында төмөндөгүдөй маалыматтар алынды: XIX кылымдын 70-жылд . . .арына чейин Түркстанда эле эмес, Россиянын Европалык бөлүгүндө дагы “ветеринардык врач” термини көпчүлүк калкка белгисиз болгон. 1879-жылы Түркстан аймагына бодонун көк көйнөгү (чума, Morbillivirus infectious disease, pestis bovum) жугуштуу ылаӊы жайылып, Россия өкмөтү ылаңды жоюу боюнча практикалык чараларды кабыл алып, каражат бөлүп, ветеринардык адистерди жөнөткөн. 1910-жылы Жети-Суу облусунда, андан кийин Түркстанда бодонун көк көйнөгүнүн эпизоотиясын токтотууга жетишишкен. Кыргызстандагы ветеринардык кызматтын башаты катары 1891-жылы Чалдыбарда ветеринардык пункттун ачылышы эсептелинип келген, бирок, Россиянын мамлекеттик императордук архивинин маалыматына ылайык 1888-жылдан баштап Беловодское айылында ветеринардык пункт иш жүргүзгөн. Демек, Кыргыз Республикасынын ветеринардык кызматынын тарыхый башаты 1888-жыл деп кабыл алынышы керек. 1907-жылдын 29-30-апрелинде Пишпекте ветеринардык врачтардын бодонун көк көйнөгү менен күрөшүүгө арналган кеңешмеси өткөрүлгөн.From the 60s of the 19th century, the current territories of Kyrgyzstan were included in the Russian Empire. Therefore, the situation of the veterinary medicine of Kyrgyzstan at the end of the XIX century and the beginning of the XX century is closely related to the history of the development of the veterinary medicine of the Russian Empire. The aim of this article is to investigate the state of veterinary medicine in Pishpek and Przhevalsky counties of the Semirechye Oblast of Turkestan in 1868-1917 compared to the first stage of formation and development of veterinary medicine of the Russian Empire. As a result of the research, the following information was obtained: until the 70s of the 19th century, the term veterinary doctor was unknown not only in Turkestan, but also in the European part of Russia. In 1879, the plague of cattle (Morbillivirus infectious disease, pestis bovum) spread in the Turkestan region, and the Russian government took practical measures to eliminate the disease, allocated funds and sent veterinary specialists. In 1910, they managed to stop the epizootic of plague in Semirechenskaya Oblast, and then in Turkestan. The beginning of the veterinary service in Kyrgyzstan was considered to be the opening of a veterinary station in Chaldibar in 1891, but according to the information of the State Imperial Archive of Russia, a veterinary station operated in the Belovodskoe village from 1888. On April 29-30, 1907, a meeting of veterinary doctors dedicated to combating the plague of cattle was held in Pishpek. Keyword: Kyrgyzstan; veterinary service; history of veterinary medicin More less

The relationship between milk components, immunoglobulins, and cytokine content at the end of lactation in Kyrgyz mares


Article | 2023 | South African Journal of Animal Science53 ( 6 )

The aim of the present study was to determine the relationship of immunoglobulins and cytokine levels in the milk of Kyrgyz mares during the last period of lactation. For this purpose, seven Kyrgyz mares were used. During the last week of lactation, milk samples were obtained from mares four times at intervals of two days. Physicochemical tests were performed on all collected milk samples, and pH, fat, ash, titratable acidity, and dry matter were measured. Interferon-gamma (IFN-γ), interleukin-2 (IL-2), tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α), and immunoglobulin G (IgG) levels were determined using commercial enzyme-linked immunosorben . . .t assay (ELISA) kits. Based on the measurements, the lowest IgG level was determined on the last day of lactation (10.23 ± 13.13 µg/mL) and the TNF-α level was determined to be the highest on the last day lactation (61.10 ± 75.69 pg/mL). However, no statistical differences between the days in terms of IFN-γ, IL-2, pH, titratable acidity, dry matter, ash, and fat were found. Varying degrees of positive correlations between the parameters existed and were more pronounced between IgG levels and pH values. As a result, it was concluded that in the last period of lactation in Kyrgyz mares, IgG concentrations decreased and TNF-α levels increased in their milk, but substantial changes in milk composition, immunoglobulins, and cytokine levels in milk did not show positive correlations with the physicochemical properties of milk. Keyword: cytokine; immunoglobulin; Kyrgyz mare; mare's mil More less

A Review on the Antimicrobial Effect of Honey on Salmonella and Listeria monocytogenes: Recent Studies


Article | 2023 | MANAS Journal of Agriculture, Veterinary and Life Science (MJAVL)13 ( 2 )

Foodborne pathogens like Salmonella and Listeria monocytogenes are microbial agents capable of causing severe illnesses, and they pose a perpetual menace to the food industry. Given their potential to jeopardize human health, both food producers and consumers hold significant concerns regarding these pathogens. The quest for novel strategies and natural preservatives in the domain of food safety holds paramount importance in the effort to curtail the dissemination and contamination of these pathogens. In this context, honey stands out as a notable natural product with substantial potential. Honey, through its bioactive constituents, . . . including phenolic compounds, specialized enzymes, and particularly the production of hydrogen peroxide, can serve as an efficacious tool in combatting microorganisms. This review undertakes an exploration of the antimicrobial impacts of honey on Salmonella and Listeria monocytogenes by conducting a comprehensive assessment of existing literature and consolidating available data. The existing data strongly indicates the potential of honey's antimicrobial components to hinder the proliferation and dissemination of these pathogens. This review's principal aim is to outline a path for future research and applications, acknowledging the essential need for additional data and thorough investigations before efficiently deploying honey as a countermeasure against these pathogens. Keyword: honey; salmonella; listeria monocytogenes; antimicrobial effect; food pathogen More less

Sağlıklı buzağılarda yüksek ve düşük doz sisaprid ve betanekol’ün abomazum motilite ve boşalma oranına etkisi


Article | 2017 | MANAS Journal of Agriculture, Veterinary and Life Science (MJAVL)7 ( 1 )

Sığırlarda paralitik ileus, sekum dilatasyonu/dislokasyonu ve abomazum hipotonisi gibi motilite yetersizliğine sebep olan hastalıklar önemli verim kayıplarına neden olabilmektedir. Sığırlarda gastrointestinal motilite düzenleyicileri ile ilgili bilgiler yetersizdir. Sunulan bu araştırmada sisaprid ve betanekol’un iki farklı dozunun ve kombinasyonların sağlıklı buzağıların abomazum motilitesi ve boşalma oranı üzerindeki etkinlikleri dört farklı metotla belirlendi. Araştırmada hayvan materyali olarak doğumu takiben 4-5 günlük, sağlıklı toplam 10 adet buzağı kullanıldı. Her buzağıda yüksek ve düşük doz sisaprid, betanekol ve kombinasyo . . .nlarının uygulanmasını takiben 30 dakika sonra süt ikamesi içirildi. Buzağılardan 12 saat süresince aralıklı olarak kan örnekleri alındı. Abomazal motilite ve boşalma oranı asetaminofen absorbsiyon test, ultrasonografik metot, abomazal intraluminal basınç ve glikoz değişim grafiği ile değerlendirildi. Sağlıklı toplam 5 adet (4-5 günlük) buzağı kullanıldı. Buzağılar süt ikamesi (60 ml/kg) ile günlük olarak aynı saatlerde beslendi. Buzağılardan deneme süresince aralıklı olarak kan örnekleri alındı. Abomazal motilite ve boşalma oranı asetaminofen absorbsiyon test, ultrasonografik metot, abomazal intraluminal basınç ve glikoz değişim grafiği ile değerlendirildi. Ultrasonoğrafik yarı ömür ve β sonuçları irdelendiğinde, sadece süt ikamesi verilen kontrol grubuna göre tüm ilaç uygulamalarının bu değerlerinin daha küçük olduğu ( More less

Echocardiographic assessment of left ventricular systolic function in neonatal calves with naturally occurring sepsis or septic shock due to diarrhea


Article | 2019 | Research in Veterinary Science126

Sepsis is associated with clinically relevant cardiovascular changes. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the clinical value of echocardiography for monitoring left ventricular (LV) systolic function in septic calves. A prospective longitudinal study was performed using a convenience sample. Twenty septic calves and 10 healthy calves were enrolled in the study. Arterial blood pressure (BP) was measured and M-mode echocardiography performed to characterize LV systolic function; the latter included measurement of ejection fraction, EF; stroke volume, SVI and cardiac output indexed to body weight, CI; E-point of septal separa . . .tion, EPSS; pre-ejection period, PEP; ejection time, LVET; ratio of PEP to LVET; velocity of circumferential shortening, Vcf, LV enddiastolic volume index (LVEDVI) and LV end-systolic volume index (LVESVI) on admission and 6, 24, 48 and 72 h later in septic calves and once in healthy calves. Admission data were compared using the Mann-Whitney U test and P < .05 was considered significant. Decreased preload and afterload were present in septic calves, as indicated by marked decreases in BP, LVEDVI, LVESVI, SVI, CI, EPSS when compared to healthy calves. Systolic function appeared adequate in septic calves, based on EF and FS compared to control calves. There was no difference in heart rate, LVET, PEP:LVET, or Vcf between septic and health calves. We conclude that circulatory dysfunction, rather than systolic dysfunction predominates in septic calves. Positive associations on admission between CI and LVEDVI, LVESVI, and SVI support this conclusion. Echocardiographic determination of LVEDVI and CI appears useful in directing treatment in septic calves More less

Udder defense system: Effect of milk somatic cell countlevel on Th1/Th2 cytokine balance


Article | 2022 | Journal of the Hellenic Veterinary Medical Society73 ( 2 )

The immune system of the cow is kept strong to protect the cows from mastitis, which causes economic losses for dairy cattle herds. Cellular immunity, especially, plays an important role as a first-line defense system. In the case of inflammation, cytokines play a decisive role in monitoring this process. In this study, the relationship between somatic cell count (SCC) and cytokine (tumor necrosis factor alpha, interferon gamma, and interleukins TNF-alpha, IFN-gamma,IL-2, -4, -5, and -10, respectively) concentrations in milk were determined. It was decided to support the humoral and cellular aspects of the udder defense system by de . . .termining the T-helper cell (Th1/Th2) cytokine polarization in high SCC milk from cows with signs of mastitis. Milk samples from 180 cows were divided into five groups according to the somatic cell count level (< 150 x 10(3), 151 x 10(3) 400 x 10(3), 401 x 10(3)-600x10(3), 601 x 10(3)-1,000 x 10(3), and > 1,000x10(3)cells/mL). It was understood that the Th1 direction was determined before mastitis was formed, that is when SCC was low (< 150 x 10(3)). As a result. it was concluded that theTh1 polarization should be supported to protect cows from mastitis More less

Keneler ve kenelerle taşınan hastalıklar

Kürşat ALTAY

Article | 2016 | MANAS Journal of Agriculture, Veterinary and Life Science (MJAVL)6 ( 2 )

Bu derlemede kenelerin sistemdeki yeri, genel morfolojik ve biyolojik özellikleri, beslenme, kene-konak-patojen ilişkileri, vektörlük (Mekanik ve Biyolojik nakil), arthropodların patojenlerle enfeksiyonu, hastalık etkenlerinin vektörlerden omurgalı konaklara nakli ve kenelerle taşınan önemli hastalıklar üzerinde durulmuştur.- Keywords:kene, kenelerle nakledilen hastalıklar,

Үйүрлүү жылкылардын бакубаттуулугун баалоо протоколунун концепциясы = The Concept of Welfare Assessment Protocol for Horses in Herd


Article | 2021 | MANAS Journal of Agriculture, Veterinary and Life Science (MJAVL)11 ( 2 )

Кыргыз Республикасында жылкылардын бакубаттуулугун баалоо протоколунун концепциясын иштеп чыгууда, жылкыларды үйүрдө багуунун климаттык жана технологиялык өзгөчө шарттарын эске алуу зарыл. Макаланын максаты – тоолуу жайыттардын шарттарында асыралган үйүрлүү жылкылардын бакубаттуулугун баалоо протоколунун концепциясын аныктоо болуп саналат. Изилдөөлөрдүн темасына ылайык илимий булактарды иликтөөлөр илимий китепканаларда жана интернет булактарында жүргүзүлдү. Жайыттардын шартында асыралган жылкылардын бакубаттуулук деңгээлин баалоо критерийлери же өлчөнүүчү көрсөткүчтөрү байкоонун түз жана кыйыр ыкмалары колдонулуп такталды. Алынган м . . .аалыматтар салыштырма ыкмасы колдонулуп анализденди. Изилдөөлөрдүн жыйынтыгында бакубаттуулуктун «беш эркиндик» принциптерине негизделген төмөндөгүдөй концепциясы аныкталды: 1) Кыргыз Республикасында үйүрлүү жылкылардын бакубаттуулук деңгээлин баалоодо AWIN (2015) протоколу негиз катары кабыл алынышы максатка ылайыктуу; 2) Жылкылар үйүрдүн курамында асыралгандыктан, бардык бээлер жана айгыр иликтөөгө алынышы зарыл; 3) Баалоо прициптери болуп төмөндөгүлөр кабыл алынды: I. Жакшы жайыт; II. Жакшы ден-соолук; III. Талаптагыдай жүрүш-туруш; 4) Жылкылардын бакубаттуулук деңгээлине баа берүүдө, 7 критерийдин алкагындагы ар бири 5 баллдык система менен баалануучу 20 көрсөткүчтүн колдонулушунун талапка ылайыктыгы ортого чыкты. Үйүрлүү жылкылардын бакубаттуулук баалоо протоколу негизинен жылкынын физиологиялык абалын жана жүрүш-турушун чагылдырган көрсөткүчтөрдөн туруп (85%), жайыттын абалын, жылкыларды багуу жана тоюттандыруу шарттарын камтыган көрсөткүчтөр менен толукталып турат (15%). The scientific community has developed several concepts to characterize and appreciate animal welfare. Behavioural approaches state that animals should live accordingly to their nature and should be able to perform all necessary behaviours without aversion. Physiological approaches based on the concepts of homeostasis and allostasis have been developed. In developing the concept of the welfare assessment protocol for horses in the Kyrgyz Republic, it is necessary to take into account the special climatic and technological conditions for keeping horses in herds. The purpose of this article is to define the concept of the protocol for assessing the welfare of herd horses bred in mountain pastures. Scientific review of sources in accordance with the research topic was conducted in scientific libraries and Internet sources. Criteria or indicators for assessing the level of well-being of horses bred in pasture conditions were clarified using direct and indirect methods of observation. The obtained data were analyzed using the comparative method. The study identified the following concept of well-being based on the principles of the "five freedoms": 1) It is expedient to adopt the AWIN (2015) protocol as a basis for assessing the level of welfare of horse-herd in the Kyrgyz Republic; 2) Since horses are bred in a herd, all mares and stallions should be examined; 3) The principles of evaluation are as follows: I. Good pasture; II. Good health; III. Proper behavior; 4) In assessing the level of well-being of horses, it was found appropriate to use 20 indicators, each of which is assessed on a 5-point scale within the framework of 7 criteria. The protocol for the assessment of the well-being of horse-herd consists mainly of indicators reflecting the physiological condition and behavior of the horse (85%), supplemented by indicators covering the condition of pastures, conditions of breeding and feeding horses (15%) More less

Dağ nanesinin (Mentha caucasica) Japon bıldırcınlarının (Coturnix coturnix japonica) performans, bazı vücut ölçüleri ve canlı ağırlık arasındaki ilişkilerine etkisi

Tamer ÇAĞLAYAN | Erdoğan ŞEKER

Article | 2015 | Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences31 ( 1 )

Amaç: Bu araştırma Japon bıldırcınlarında dağ nanesinin (Mentha caucasica) performans, bazı vücut ölçüleri ve canlı ağırlık arasındaki ilişkilerine etkisini belirlemek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Gereç ve Yöntem: Araştırmada 1 günlük yaştaki 150 Japon bıldırcını civciv kullanıldı. Bıldırcınlar, her grupta 50'şer adet olmak üzere, kontrol, nane I (%0.75) ve nane II (%1.50) olarak üç gruba ayrıldı. Bıldırcınlar çıkımdan itibaren 6 hafta süresince haftalık olarak tartıldı ve vücut ölçüleri (baş uzunluğu, baş genişliği, vücut uzunluğu, bacak uzunluğu, ayak uzunluğu, kanat uzunluğu) tespit edildi. Bulgular: Nane ile beslenen gruplardaki canlı . . .ağırlık ortalamalarının kontrol grubundan yüksek olduğu tespit edildi ( More less

Serologic investigation for West Nile Virus Infection in Commercial Domestic Chickens (Gallus gallus domesticus)


Article | 2012 | Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances11 ( 13 )

In this study, West Nile Virus antibody presence (WNV) in white leghorn chickens located in various commercial domestic chicken establishments in Konya was studied serologically. Blood sampling from 380 white leghorn chickens within the age range of 20-40 weeks was carried out. Blood serum samples were studied by West Nile Competition ELISA kit. All samples were found seronegative.

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