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Investigation of fatty acid composition, thermal and rheological behavior of yak, cow and horse fats


Article | 2019 | MANAS Journal of Engineering (MJEN)7 ( 1 )

The objective of this paper was to study the fatty acid composition, and thermal and rheological behavior of Kyrgyz yak (Bos grunniens) visceral fats compared to visceral fats of cow (Bos taurus) and horse (Equus caballus). The result of the studу revealed that the content of saturated fatty acids (SFA) in yak fat was higher than those of unsaturated fatty acids (UFA) (about 58.3 and 38.0 %, respectively). The UFA content in yak fat was higher compared to cow fat (about 27.1 %) and lower than that of horse fat (about 60.0 %). The melting temperatures determined using DSC were found to be 55.18±0.71, 54.98±3.01, 37.60±1.92 °C for yak . . ., cow and horse fat, respectively. These results were close to the solid-liquid transition temperature determined by oscillation rheology (52.20±0.89 °C for yak, 53.56±3.53 °C for cow and 33.7±1.84 °C for horse fat). Rotational rheological measurements at 35 °C have shown that yak fat had shear thinning flow behavior with high a viscosity of 226 mPas compared to horse fat, which has Newtonian flow behavior with a viscosity of about 36 mPas (γ=100s-1). Results on properties obtained in this study will help to understand the contribution of yak fats to the structural properties of new products with these alternative fat sources More less

Study of relations between chemical, colour and fluorescence properties of raw and dried meat powders of cow and yak (Bos grunniens)


Article | 2023 | Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy306

Gluteus medius, Longissimus thoracis, and Semitendinosus muscles from the cow and yak (Bos grunniens) reared in the Kyrgyz Republic were dried by convective (hot air) drying and freeze drying. The dried muscles were grinded into fine powders and along with raw muscles were evaluated for water activity (aW), chemical composition (moisture, fat, protein), colour characteristics (L, a, and b values), fluorescence of intrinsic fluorophores (tryptophan, vitamin A, and riboflavin). Processing of measured data tables using common components and specific weights analysis (CCSWA) showed close relations among the chemical, colour, and fluores . . .cence data. CCSWA discriminated muscles depending on chemical composition, animal type, and drying technique applied based on the chemical properties, colour characteristics, and fluorescence spectra. The freeze drying was approved as a preferable dehydration technique comparing with convective drying as the one causing less discoloration to meat. Partial Least Squares Regression (PLSR) models developed using fluorescence spectra allowed accurate quantitative predicting of water activity (aW), moisture, fat, and protein contents, and colour characteristics (L, a, and b values). Keyword: chemical properties; colour characteristics; drying; fluorescence; meat powder; multivariate analysi More less

Amino Acid and Fatty Acid Profile of the Mare's Milk Produced on Suusamyr Pastures of the Kyrgyz Republic During Lactation Period


Proceedings Paper | 2015 | Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences195

The high nutritional and health-promoting properties of kymyz, a traditional drink of nomads produced from mare's milk, are well-known and reported in literature. The composition of mare's milk is significantly different from that of cow and other ruminants. Fatty acid composition and amino acid profile of mare's milk produced at Suusamyr pastures of Kyrgyzstan were studied during four lactation months (May, June, July and August). The amino acid composition was determined by precolumn derivatization with diethyl ethoxymethylenemalonate (DEEMM) in high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and 18 amino acids were determined in ma . . .re's milk. Most abundant amino acids were glutamic acid (16.8-21.2%), leucine (8.2-10.1%), lysine (8.9-10.1%) and ornithine (0.1-0.7%) was in a small amount. The percentages of essential AA in protein of mare milk were 46%, 46%, 51%, 48% for May, June, July and August months respectively, which demonstrate the high biological value of milk during all milking season. The fatty acid contents of the milk fat were determined in the form of fatty acid methyl esters by gas chromatograph after methylation with potassium hydroxide in methanol. The concentrations of capric (10:0), lauric (12:0) and myristic acid (14:0) were similar during four lactation months and the concentration of linoleic acid (18:2) was higher in July month. The results of the study have shown that the highest contents of the nutritive compounds were found in the mare's milk obtained in July. - Keywords: amino acids; fatty acids; geographical location; mare milk; milking seaso More less

Улуттук бозо ичимдиги - даярдоо ыкмалары жана ачытуучу микроорганизмдер = Honey, reducing sugar, diastase number, Kyrgyzstan


Article | 2017 | MANAS Journal of Engineering (MJEN)5 ( 1 )

Ферменттелген тамак-аш азыктары – чийки заттын тамак-аш баалуулугун жана органолептикалык касиеттерин бир кыйла жогорулатып, азыктын сактоо мөөнөтүн узарткандыктан дүйнө жүзү боюнча чоң мааниге ээ. Бозо жана бозо сыяктуу ичимдиктер Орто Азияда, Түркия, Орусия, Чыгыш Европа, Африка өлкөлөрүндө, Жакынкы Чыгышта жана Түндүк Иранда жасалат. Бул ичимдиктердин азыктык жана биологиялык баалуулугу жогору болгондуктан адамдын күнүмдүк рационундагы мааниси абдан чоң. Суусундуктар углеводдор, витаминдер, минералдык заттар, органикалык кислоталар жана башка биологиялык активдүү компоненттердин булагы болуп саналат. Ошондой эле бозодо ар түрдүү . . .пробиотикалык сүт кычкыл бактерияларынын камтылышынан улам функционалдык азык катары кабыл алууга болот. Бозо ферментациясына Leuconostoc, Lactobacillus, Pediococcus, Weissella урууларына кирген сүт кычкыл бактериялары, ошондой эле Saccharomyces, Candida, Geotrichum, Pichia, Nadsonia урууларына кирген ачыткылар катышкандыгы аныкталган = Fermented foods are of great importance world-wide because they improve nutritional and organoleptic properties of the raw materials used, and they have prolonged shelf-life. Bozo is still produced and consumed with different recipes and methods in Central Asia, Turkey, South Russia, East European countries, African countries, Middle East, and Northern Iran. These beverages are valuable source of carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, organic acids and other biologically active components. It can be marketed as a functional food product due to content of the number of different probiotic lactic acid bacteria. Lactic acid bacteria and yeasts responsible for Bozo fermentation were identified as Leuconostoc, Lactobacillus, Pediococcus, Weissella and Saccharomyces, Candida, Geotrichum, Pichia, Nadsonia, respectively. In this review, preparation methods, chemical composition and nutritional value as well as microflora composition of Bozo and similar cereal-based fermented beverages of different cultures were summarized More less

Study of moisture content and water activity of rice using fluorescence spectroscopy and multivariate analysis


Article | 2019 | Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy223

The potential of fluorescence spectroscopy for non-destructive and rapid measurement of moisture content (MC) and water activity (a(W)) of rice was examined. A total of n 15 samples of rice produced at different locations were studied. The emission fluorescence spectra of tryptophan (305-600 nm, excitation: 290 nm) and emission fluorescence spectra of riboflavin (410-700 nm, excitation: 370 nm) were collected from milled rice. MC and a(W) of the rice samples were measured. Spectral data were subjected to principal component analysis (PCA) and partial least squares discriminant analysis (PLSDA). PCA and PLSDA showed the rice samples . . .can be differentiated according to their MC and geographical origin of cultivation. Partial least squares regression (PLSR) models obtained from tryptophan emission spectra predicted MC and a(W) with R-2 = 0.82 and RMSEV = 0.427, and R-2 = 0.74 and RMSEV = 0.512, respectively. PLSR models obtained using riboflavin emission spectra allowed predicting MC a(W) with R-2 = 0.85 and RMSEV = 0393, and R-2 = 0.79 and RMSEV = 0.463, respectively. This study demonstrates that fluorescence spectroscopy combined with multivariate statistical tools has promising potential for non-destructive and rapid measurement of moisture content and water activity of rice. (C) 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved More less

Физиологически функциональные компоненты кобыльего молока (обзорная статья) = Review: Physiologically functional components of mare's milk


Article | 2015 | MANAS Journal of Engineering (MJEN)3 ( 2 )

Популярность кобыльего молока как продукта для лечебного питания возрастает с каждым днем. Причиной тому являются исторически сложившиеся традиции кыргызского народа использования кобыльего молока в лечебных целях и научные основы народной медицины. Целью данного исследования было определить сходство и различия кобыльего молока с молоком других сельскохозяйственных животных. Уникальный состав кобыльего молока – основа всех его лечебных свойств: оно богато незаменимыми аминокислотами, витаминами С и Е, ненасыщенными жирными киcлотами. Содержание кальция и фосфора в кобыльем молоке подобно материнскому молоку. Высокое содержание функц . . .ионально активных белков, таких как лактоферрин, лизоцим, иммуноглобулины, обеспечивают иммуномодулирующие, антиканцерогенные, антивирусные свойства. – Ключевые слова: Кобылье молоко, химический состав, терапевтические свойства = Mare's milk popularity as a health-promoting food product is continuously increasing. The reason for this phenomenon is the historical traditions of the Kyrgyz people in use of mare milk for therapeutic purposes and scientifically based approaches in traditional medicine. The unique composition of mare's milk is the basis of all its health-promoting properties. It containing essential amino acids, vitamins C and E, and unsaturated fatty acids. Calcium and phosphorus content of mare’s milk is almost the same as in human milk. Also high content of lactoferrin, lysozyme, immunoglobulins provides to mare’s milk immunomodulatory, anti-carcinogenic, anti-viral properties More less

Determination of amino acid profile of mare milk produced in highlands of the Kyrgyz Republic during the milking season


Article | 2016 | Journal of Dairy Science99 ( 4 )

This study was carried out to determine the influence of milking season on amino acid (AA) profile and chemical composition of milk samples from Kyrgyz native breed mares under traditional pasture conditions. Milk samples were collected monthly from May to August 2014 from mares grazing at 2,200 m above sea level. The AA composition was determined by precolumn derivatization with diethyl ethoxymethylenemalonate in HPLC and 18 AA were determined in mare milk. The analytical parameters of linearity (0.01–4 μg/mL), precision of the method (0.26–4.88% relative standard deviation), derivatization procedure (0.82–2.80% relative standard d . . .eviation), and instrument precision (0.08–1.00% relative standard deviation) were determined. The most abundant AA were glutamic acid (0.393–480 g/100 g of milk), leucine (0.192–0.230 g/100 g of milk), and lysine (0.192–0.230 g/100 g of milk). The amount of ornithine was small (0.002–0.015 g/100 g of milk). The percentages of essential AA in the protein of mare milk were 46, 46, 51, and 48% for May, June, July, and August, respectively, which demonstrate the high biological value of milk during the whole milking season. - Keywords: amino acid; high performance liquid chromatography; mare milk; milking seaso More less

Effect of Storage Period on Acid Value and Sensory Attributes of Puffed Wheat Grains 'Badyrak Vanilla' and 'Badyrak with Whey'


Article | 2023 | Rural Sustainability Research49 ( 344 )

Puffed grains made from whole wheat, corn or rice grains are ready-to-eat breakfast cereals that do not require additional preparation. Two recipes for puffed grain coatings were developed in the previous studies. Sunflower oil was used in the coating, which may affect storage stability. Due to lipid hydrolysis, free fatty acids may be released, causing rancid off-flavour. The aim of this study was to determine the changes in the acid value of lipids and sensory attributes of sweet-coated puffed wheat grains 'Badyrak vanilla' (BV) and 'Badyrak with whey' (MC) depending on temperature during their eight-month storage. The products we . . .re packaged in metallised polypropylene pouches, 30 g each. The acid value was studied monthly at different storage temperatures (20 ± 2 °C and 4 ± 2 °C). In puffed wheat grain products, 65 of fatty acids are polyunsaturated, 25 monounsaturated, and 10 saturated. The high proportion of unsaturated fatty acids over saturated makes oil more susceptible to oxidation. Literature studies and sensory evaluation of puffed wheat grains allowed setting a limiting acid value at 4.0 mg KOH g-1 lipids. The increase in acid value was storage temperature dependent. Thus, the acid value exceeded the established limit in the fifth month for MC and the sixth month for BV when stored at 20 ± 2 °C. At the same time, noticeable changes in puffed wheat grain flavour were observed. The temperature coefficient (Q10) for MC was 2.0, whereas for BV it was 1.5, indicating that the acid value increase in MC was more affected by temperature than that in BV. Keyword: acid value; fatty acids; puffed wheat grain; whe More less

Comparison of Rheological and Colorimetric Measurements to Determine α-amylase Activity for Malt Used for the Beverage Bozo


Article | 2017 | International Journal of Food Properties20 ( 9 )

In the current study, rheological and colorimetric methods were compared for determination of α-amylase activity of grain malt, used for Kyrgyz traditional fermented beverage Bozo. The highest α-amylase activity determined by colorimetric method was found in barley malt (32.83 A), followed by wheat (32.09 A), and was lowest in millet malt (10.82 A) and maize malt (10.76 A). Rheological parameters of millet porridge without and with malt were studied. The liquefaction effect of millet porridge after addition of malt was determined with rotational and oscillatory measurements. Results from statistical analysis (partial least square re . . .gression PLSR) revealed that oscillatory rheological parameters (yield stress τ, deformation γ, and storage modulus G′) could be an effective indicator to predict the α-amylase activity of the investigated malt with R2 = 0.9572. Consequently, rheological oscillatory measurements were recommended as an alternative tool to determine α-amylase activity of grain malt.- Keywords: Bozo, α-amylase activity, Malting, Rheology, Oscillation test, Colorimetric method, Viscosity, Yield Stres More less

Et ürünlerinde yaygın kullanılan katkı maddesi soya ile et arasındaki bağıntının floresans spektroskopisiyle araştırılması = Investigation Of The Relation Between Additive Commonly Used In Meat Products - Soy And Meat By Fluorescence Spectroscopy


Article | 2015 | MANAS Journal of Engineering (MJEN)3 ( 1 )

Bu çalışmada, et, sucuk ve çeşitli oranda soya jeli (%5, %10, %20, %40, %60, %80 ve %100) içeren kıyma örneklerinin analizinde; spektrofluorometrik yöntemle birlikte çok boyutlu kemometri teknikleri kullanılmıştır. Triptofan, riboflavin (В2 vitamini) ve A vitamin floresans emisyon spektrumları 305-400, 410-700, 340-540 nm diyapazonlarında ve uyandırma dalga boyu 290, 382 ve 322 nm seviyelerinde kaydedilmiştir. İncelenen et ve et ürünlerinin rutubet, yağ ve protein içeriği dahil olmak üzere kimyasal özellikleri tespit edilmiştir.Elde edilen bütün deneysel bilgiler; Matlab programlama dili kullanılarak yazılan PCA, PLSDA ve PLS metotl . . .arı ile kemometrik analizler değerlendirilmiştir. Analiz sonuçlarından, sucuktaki soya oranının belirlenebileceği, soya ile et arasındaki farkın değerlendirebileceği ve örneklerin kimyasal içeriğinin de tahmin edilebileceği (proteini R2≈ 0,85 ve yağı R2≈ 0,89 regresyon katsayısıyla triptofan emisyon spektrumları, kuru maddeyi ise R2≈ 0,89 regresyon katsayısıyla riboflavin emisyon spektrumları belirlemiştir) gösterilmiştir. Sonuç olarak kemometrik metodlarla birlikte floresans spektroskopisi; et ve et ürünlerinin analizinde yüksek potansiyele sahip olduğu söylenilebilir. – Anahtar sözcükler: Et, et ürünleri, soya, floresans spektroskopisi, kemometri = In this study, fluorescence spectroscopy coupled with multivariate chemometrics techniques has been used for the analyzing of meat, sausages and ground meat samples containing various ratios of soybean gel (5 %, 10 %, 20 %, 40 %, 60 %, 80 % and 100%). The emission fluorescence spectra of tryptophan residues (305–400 nm), riboflavin (410–700 nm) and vitamin A (340-540) were recorded with the excitation wavelengths set at 290, 382 and 322 nm, respectively. Chemical characteristics were also determined including humidity, fat and protein content. The obtained experimental data have been processed with chemometrics methods such as PCA, PLSDA and PLS. The mathematical analysis procedure was written in the code of Matlab. From the results, determination ratio of soy in sausages, evaluation the differences between soy and meat and prediction of chemical content of samples (protein and fat with regression coefficients R2 ≈ 0.85 and R2 ≈ 0.89 by the emission spectra of tryptophan and dry matter with regression coefficients R2 ≈ 0.89 by the spectra of riboflavin have been determined) has been shown. Hence, fluorescence spectroscopy in combination with chemometrics methods has been shown to have high potential in the analysis of meat and meat products More less

Применение флуоресцентной спектроскопии для оценки качества термически обработанного молока = Application of fluorescent spectroscopy to estimation of quality of heat-treated milk


Article | 2007 | Хранение и переработка сельхозсырья ( 12 )

Продемонстрирована возможность применения флуоресцентной спектроскопии для получения информации о физико-химических свойствах и качестве термически обработанного молока посредством одновременного определения содержания фурозина и лактулозы. Сравнение полученных результатов с результатами стандартных методов показало высокую корелляцию между ними. Таким образом, доказано, что флуоресцентная спектроскопия - относительно дешевый, быстрый и неразрушающий метод, может заменить аналитические методы, применяемые в настоящее время для оценки качества молочных продуктов. It was shown that fluorescence method can be applied to obtain a valuab . . .le information on physicochemical properties and quality of heat-treated milk by means of measuring furosine and lactulose content simultaneously. The results obtained were compared with that of the reference methods and high correlation between the methods were found. It was proved that the fluorescence technique being relatively low-cost, rapid and non-destructive could replace existing conventional analytical techniques practiced for evaluation of quality of dairy products. More less

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