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Assessment of pollution at the former uranium waste dumpsite near kaji-Say Village/Kyrgyzstan: a genetic and physiological investigation


Article | 2021 | Journal of Radiation Research and Applied Sciences14 ( 1 )

Kyrgyzstan still suffers from the past practices of radioactive industry operated by the Soviet Union that caused significant impact on ecosystems in this region, especially related with storage of uranium in inadequate conditions. There are at least 50 abandoned sites used as radioactive waste dumps in the country. Due to the pressure of natural and anthropogenic reasons, the structural foundations of mine waste dumps are gradually losing their integrities. Here, particular interest of our research is to reveal current state of radioactive contamination and to make evaluation on the radiological impacts of pollution caused by urani . . .um mine waste dump, one is situated near Kaji-Say Village in Issyk Kul Region-Kyrgyzstan. In this study, the leaf, stem, and root parts of Perovskia abrotanoides Kar. and their co-located soils as study materials collected from five different localities were used for investigation of existent alterations on element uptake and genetic material in the plant using ICP-MS and ISSR marker technique. Also, radioactivity readings were recorded using Geiger counter. The data showed that the levels of radiation (in mR/h) were found to be significantly high in comparison with normal acceptable limits. Uptake patterns of certain elements in P. abrotanoides grown in the uranium waste dump site were modified extensively as reductions and increments due to strong radioactive leakage in comparison with the control. Also, the results indicated that changes in ISSR profiles from exposed plant leaf samples included variation in band intensities, losses of normal bands, and the appearances of new bands compared to unexposed (control) plant leaf sample. Considering people living around the area where the research was conducted, the consequences of contamination as our data suggest could cause health problems through radioactive leakage More less

Agronomic Performance of Spring Barley Cultivars under Different Eco-Environmental Conditions


Article | 2020 | Polish Journal of Environmental Studies29 ( 6 )

In this study, five agronomic traits of 29 barley accessions were evaluated in different agro-environmental conditions. Accessions represented cultivars from Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine, and the Nordic and Baltic countries as well as landraces from northeastern and eastern Russia. The field experiments were carried out in two countries (Latvia and Kyrgyzstan) in order to select the suitable genotypes or cultivars as a source for Kyrgyz barley breeding programs. Among the accessions studied, we found material that can be used in Kyrgyz breeding as potential sources of earliness, spike length and TKW. Among the cultivars, 'Cecilia' from Swede . . .n showed an attractive agronomic performance, and had constant behaviour under Kyrgyz climatic conditions during two years of trials. Other cultivars like 'Saana.', 'Sencis' and 'Mette' can also be included in future breeding due to their earliness, plant height, spike length and number of kernels. There were cultivars that had the stabile response of number of agronomic characters in these two locations over both years of trials. For example, the cultivars 'Cecilia', Mette, 'Saana' were stable in HD, SL, and NGS in different climatic conditions. Also, among the landraces there were candidates who showed stable behaviour for SL and TKW More less

Наследование измененных признаков у мутантых форм мягкой пшеницы


Proceedings Paper | 2016 | Наука вчера, сегодня, завтра34 ( 12-1 )

В данной статье приводится результаты исследований наследования измененных признаков у мутантных форм мягкой пшеницы. Наиболее широкий спектр изменчивости выявлен у мутантных форм сорта Эритроспермум-760 и г/п 771, самый низкий – у мутантных форм г/п 762. Морфологический анализ снопового материала в каждом поколении показал, что основное количество мутаций возникло и проявилось в виде фенотипических изменений окраски и формы колоса, признака остистости, окраски зерна и длины соломины.- Ключевые слова: мягкая пшеница; мутантные формы; мутационная изменчивость; фенотипические изменения. This article provides the results of studies of . . . inheritance of modified characteristics in mutant forms of wheat. The widest range of variability detected in mutant forms Erythrospermum grade-760 h/g 771, the lowest – in the mutant forms h/g 762. Morphological analysis of sheafing material in each generation showed that the main number of mutations originated and manifested itself in the form of phenotypic changes colour and shape of the spike, the spinous sign, colour of grain and length of straw.- Keywords: soft wheat; mutants forms; mutational variability; phenotypic changes. More less

Bioregulatory Basic Peptides Liberated from Gall-Bladder Inflammatory Wall of People Who are Sick with Acute Cholecystitis after Laparatomy Cholecystectomy


Article | 2014 | Advances in Environmental Biology (AEB)8 ( 10 )

From inflammatory, deleted gall-bladder wall of people who are sick with phlegmonous cholecystitis after laparatomy cholecystectomy by method of acetous extraction there were liberated 3 peptide factors. There was studied the influence of 15-day intramuscular injection of the third peptide factor onto hemostasis during the experiment on rabbits. There was shown that the third layer (fraction) of acute phlegmonous cholecystitis is most approximate by molecular mass to fibrinogenous of people who are sick with acute cholecystitis. Storing and circulation of the third peptide factor liberated from phlegmonous gall-bladder wall in the b . . .lood, modulates hyperfibrinogenemia, which is the most accurate laboratorial prognostic index of degree evaluation of inflammatory destruction of gall-bladder wall. - Key words: Bioregulatory peptides, people who are sick with acute cholecystitis, hemostasis, experiment on rabbits More less

Особенности подготовки докторантов (Phd) на базе Кыргызско-Турецкого университета Манас

Muratbek KOCOBEKOV | Kadırbay ÇEKİROV | Saltanat MAMBAYEVA

Article | 2018 | Международный журнал экспериментального образования ( 7 )

В статье приведен общий обзор и этапы внедрения программы докторантуры (PhD) в условиях Кыргызско-Турецкого университета «Манас» (КТУ Манас), как альтернативный вариант подготовки высококвалифицированных научных кадров – докторов философии (PhD). Образовательная система Кыргызстана еще не полностью перешла на трёхуровневую систему образования по Болонской программе, но первые успешные шаги проделанные в КТУ Манас, дают свои плоды и становятся примером для других вузов. Несмотря на то, что обучение в КТУ Манас только на двух основных языках кыргызском и турецком, желающих поступить в вуз растёт из года в год. Открытие магистратуры, а . . . теперь и докторантуры даёт возможность своим же выпускникам получить не только котируемые дипломы бакалавра и магистра, но и дипдом докторантуры PhD, не выезжая за пределы своей страны. В течение последних декад кыргызская образовательная система всё ещё проходит стадию своего становления, и поэтому в Кыргызстане до сих пор есть остатки из прошлой системы образования – это пятилетнее образование, аспирантура и затем только докторантура, но это не помешало в КТУ Манас открыть свою докторскую программу PhD и разработать все условия для приема и защиты диссертационной работы PhD докторантов, и интерес к программе растет из года в год. На настоящий момент конкурентоспособность выпускников университета становится очевидной, и с этим связан авторитет университета, который набирает более высокие рейтинги среди вузов не только Кыргызстана, но и всей Средней Азии More less

Epidemiological analysis of the diagnostic results of COVID-19 infection in Bishkek by real-time PCR method


Article | 2022 | Frontiers in Life Sciences and Related Technologies3 ( 1 )

The aim of the research is to analyze the diagnostic results of infected people with the COVID-19 in Bishkek. Therefore, in this study, with the aim of epidemiologically analyzing the COVID-19 infection in the city, diagnostic PCR research was carried out at the Center for Quarantine and Highly Dangerous Infections of the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic in the Laboratory of Virology and Rare Infections. During the period of operation from 01st May 2020 to 31st March 2021, 28,863 samples from patients of the Sverdlovsky and Pervomaisky districts of Bishkek were examined by the real-time PCR. For laboratory diagnostics of CO . . .VID-19, according to the recommendations of the WHO and Russian regulatory documents, obtained biomaterials from the upper respiratory tract like swabs from the nasopharynx and oropharynx were used. Biological materials were collected from patients with symptoms of upper respiratory tract infections and from patients who contacted with COVID-19 infected people applied to Family Medicine Centers in Bishkek city for the purpose of preventive examination and treatment. The samples were identified by real-time PCR, in accordance with the “biological safety” rules. From 28,863 samples 3,255 positive and 25,575 negative results were found. In the study, the largest number of samples from patients with symptoms of COVID-19 infection was recorded in June, and July, 2021, as 7,604, and 4,074, respectively. In June, 738 positive results were detected from 7,604 samples, while in July, 540 positive results were detected from 4,074 samples. This period is estimated to be the acute dynamic period of the epidemiological situation in Bishkek (Pervomaisky and Sverdlovsky districts). The epidemiological situation was stable in August and September, with the number of infected in August was 17 cases, and in September 2 cases. However, since September 2020, the number of infected people with COVID-19 has been growing. Besides, the results of PCR diagnostics from 01st January to 31st March 2021 indicated that the epidemiological situation was assessed as “relatively stable” More less

An influence of Peptide Factors of Prostate Adenoma in Men on Morphological and Functional Condition of Prostate Gland of Experimental Rabbits


Article | 2014 | World Applied Sciences Journal30 ( 10 )

In experimental conditions, an influence of intramuscular introducing of peptides, isolated from man prostate adenoma, was studied on 25 male rabbits. It was shown, that intramuscular introducing Fraction 1 to animals, to their tissue of prostate glands, during 15 days forms an intensive excrescence of connective tissue. In rabbits, which received Fraction 2, proliferation of glands’ epithelium is formed. Maximal intensity of excrescent glandular tissue of prostate gland is observed on 10 day after finishing of 15-days introducing. – Key words: prostate gland peptides, male rabbits, prostate adenoma

Candida albicans’ın Moleküler Olarak Tanımlanması


Article | 2017 | MANAS Journal of Agriculture, Veterinary and Life Science (MJAVL)7 ( 2 )

İnvaziv mantar hastalıklarının etkenlerinin tanımlanmasında direkt mikroskobik inceleme ve kültür halen altın standart yöntemleridir fakat mantar türleri açısından zor uygulanabilir olmalarından dolayı daha hassas olan moleküler genetik yöntemler tercih edilmektedir. Bu nedenle çalışmamızda moleküler yöntemler kullanılarak etkenin orijini/fungus genotipini tanımlamak amaçlanmıştır. Bakırköy Dr. Sadi Konuk Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi’nde yatan veya polikliniklere başvuran 0 ile 78 yaş arasındaki hastalardan kan, idrar, balgam, diş, ağız içi ve vajen olmak üzere 150 klinik örnek değerlendirmeye alınmıştır. Kontrol suşları olarak Can . . .dida albicans ATCC 90028, Candida krusei ATCC 6258 suşları kullanılmıştır. Çalışmamızda ARG4 primerinin Candida dubliniensis tür tayinin yapılmasında oldukça önemli seçici bir markır olduğu kanıtlanmıştır. Candida albicans’ın virulens etkisini tanımlamak için HIS1-2 primeri ile amplifikasyon sağlanmıştır. Candida genotipleri içerisinde Candida albicans ATCC 90028, Candida krusei ATCC 6258 ve diğer suşlar arasında önemli bir fark gözlenmemiş, sadece bir tane örneğin Candida dubliniensis olma ihtimalinin düşünülmesiyle p< 0,05 olarak tanımlanmıştır More less

Differentiation of Bos grunniens and Bos Taurus based on STR locus polymorphism = Дифференциация Bos grunniens и Bos taurus на основании полиморфизма STR-локусов


Article | 2023 | Vavilovskii zhurnal genetiki i selektsii / Вавиловский журнал генетики и селекции27 ( 5 )

Differentiation of closely related biological species using molecular genetic analysis is important for breeding farm animals, creating hybrid lines, maintaining the genetic purity of breeds, lines and layering. Bos grunniens and Bos taurus differentiation based on STR locus polymorphism will help maintain the genetic isolation of these species and identify hybrid individuals. The aim of this study is to assess the differentiating potential of 15 microsatellite locito distinguish between domestic yak (B. grunniens) bred in the Kalmak-Ashuu highland region (Kochkor district, Naryn region, Kyrgyz Republic) and cattle (B. taurus) of th . . .ree breeds (Aberdeen-Angus, Holstein and Alatau) using molecular genetic analysis. The samples were genotyped at 15 microsatellite loci (ETH3, INRA023, TGLA227, TGLA126, TGLA122, SPS115, ETH225, TGLA53, BM2113, BM1824, ETH10, BM1818, CSSM66, ILSTS006 and CSRM60). Twelve of the loci were from the standard markers panel recommended by ISAG. Statistical analysis was performed using GenAlEx v.6.503, Structure v.2.3.4, PAST v.4.03, and POPHELPER v1.0.10. The analysis of the samples’ subpopulation structure using the Structure v.2.3.4 and 15 STR locus genotyping showed that the accuracy of assigning a sample to B. taurus was 99.6 ± 0.4 , whereas the accuracy of assigning a sample to B. grunniens was 99.2 ± 2.6 . Of the 15 STRs, the greatest potential to differentiate B. grunniens and B. taurus was found in those with the maximal calculated FST values, including BM1818 (0.056), BM1824 (0.041), BM2113 (0.030), CSSM66 (0.034) and ILSTS006 (0.063). The classification accuracy of B. grunniens using only these five microsatellite loci was 98.8 ± 3.4 , similar for B. taurus, 99.1 ± 1.2 . The proposed approach, based on the molecular genetic analysis of 5 STR loci, can be used as an express test in Kyrgyzstan breeding and reproduction programs for B. grunniens. Keywords: domestic yak; Bos grunniens; cattle; Bos taurus; DNA; microsatellite markers; STR; genotyping; differentiation Дифференциация близкородственных биологических видов с использованием методов молекулярно-генетического анализа имеет важное значение для селекционных процессов при разведении сельскохозяйственных животных, создании гибридных линий, поддержании генетической чистоты пород, линий, отводок. Подход к дифференциации Bos grunniens и Bos taurus на основании полиморфизма STR-локусов будет способствовать поддержанию генетической обособленности данных видов и, как следствие, выявлению гибридных особей. Целью исследования была оценка дифференцирующего потенциала 15 микросателлитных локусов для различения особей домашнего яка ( B. grunniens ), разводимых в высокогорном регионе Калмак-Ашуу (Кочкорский район, Нарынская область, Кыргызская Республика), и крупного рогатого скота ( B. taurus ) трех пород (абердин-ангусская, голштинская и алатауская) с использованием молекулярно-генетического анализа. Образцы были генотипированы по 15 микросателлитным локусам (ETH3, INRA023, TGLA227, TGLA126, TGLA122, SPS115, ETH225, TGLA53, BM2113, BM1824, ETH10, BM1818, CSSM66, ILSTS006 и CSRM60). Двенадцать из рассматриваемых STR-локусов составляли стандартную панель маркеров, рекомендованную ISAG. Статистический анализ данных проводили с использованием программ GenAlEx v.6.503, Structure v.2.3.4, PAST v.4.03 и POPHELPER v1.0.10. Анализ субпопуляционной структуры исследуемых выборок в программе Structure v.2.3.4 по данным генотипирования 15 STR-локусов показал, что точность отнесения образца к B. taurus составила 99.6 ± 0.4 , к B. grunniens -99.2 ± 2.6 . Наибольшим потенциалом для дифференциации B. grunniens и B. taurus обладали те локусы, длякоторых рассчитанные значения показателя FST оказались максимальными - BM1818 (0.056), BM1824 (0.041), BM2113 (0.030), CSSM66 (0.034) и ILSTS006 (0.063). Точность классификации B. grunniens с использованием только этих пяти микросателлитных локусов составила 98.8 ± 3.4 , B. taurus - 99.1 ± 1.2 . Предложенный нами подход, основанный на молекулярно-генетическом анализе пяти STR-локусов, может быть использован в качестве экспресс-теста в селекционных и воспроизводительных программах Кыргызстана для B. grunniens. Ключевые слова: домашний як, Bos Grunniens, крупный рогатый скот, Bos Taurus, днк, микросателлитные маркеры, str, генотипирование, дифференциаци More less

The Character of Diploid Variation Chromosome Set of Animal Species Bos Taurus, Bos Grinniens, Ovis Aries and Equus Caballus


Article | 2014 | Advances in Environmental Biology (AEB)8 ( 10 )

Quantity of chromosomes in metaphase cell of farm animal is accidental discrete quantity because it will give them fixed value which is usually expressed in the whole numeral. Distribution of this character has a specific feature -excessive accumulation of frequencies in the central class of variational series.The authors analysed the laws of distribution of the number chromosomes in cattle yak, sheep and horses with normal chromosomes and it was found that the distribution of the chromosome number (2n) in the studied animals follows to the type of excessive regularities distribution. – Key words: Diploid set, metaphase cell, karyo . . .type, farm animal, excessive type of distribution More less

Влияние физических мутагенов на ростовые процессы исходных и мутантных форм мягкой пшеницы


Article | 2016 | Естественные и математические науки в современном мире46 ( 11 )

В данной работе рассмотрен один из актуальных вопросов селекции и радиобиологии – генетические эффекты воздействия физических мутагенов на ростовые процессы исходных форм перспективных сортов и гибридов мягкой пшеницы.- Ключевые слова: мягкая пшеница; радиация; физический мутаген; мутанты; ростовые процессы. This paper discusses one of the most pressing issues of selection and radiobiology – the study of the genetic effects of physical mutagens on the growth processes of initial forms of promising varieties and hybrids of wheat.- Keywords: soft wheat; radiation; physical mutagen; mutants; growth processes. . . . More less

Investigation of reproduction and selection potential of Holstein breeding cattle in Kyrgyzstan

Nurlan MAMATOV | Aybek KARABAEV | Kadırbay ÇEKİROV

Article | 2017 | European Journal of Natural History ( 4 )

In this article, statistical results of selection characteristics and milk yields, live weight and reproduction characteristics of Holstein sheep breeds grown in Kyrgyzstan conditions are given according to their origins and ages. Parameters were calculated for milk yield and growth characteristics. For this purpose milk productivity, lactation and live weights of cattle were measured. Holstein cows were crossed with local races to improve productivity during milk productivity and lactation. As a result, there are significant variations in some yields in the animals raised. According to the results obtained, the live weights of Hols . . .tein cows raised in Kyrgyzstan were 505.4 kg, the first lactation milk yield was 4641.9 kg, the second lactation was 5082.4 kg and the third lactation was 5127.1 kg. In the same order, service period lengths were obtained as 119.2, 101.5 and 96.4 days. The coefficient of variation for the lactation yields was calculated as 6.04?% for live weights and 13.13, 14.78 and 17.47 for lactation milk yield, respectively. This coefficient was 38.82?%, 40.10?% and 54.41?% in terms of reproductive characteristics, respectively. It can be understood from these figures that it is understood that there is possibility to make progress by making selection in this herd. The results are presented in tabular form. Since Kyrgyzstan is a mountainous country, native animal breeds have also been adapted to these conditions. Local animal breeds have also been selected and raised by native scientists. Local races are grazed in the mountains and for this reason they have become adherent to harsh weather conditions. As a result of this article, it was determined that there is a significant variation in terms of breeding and milk yield characteristics and this is the result that can be evaluated in Holstein breeding in Kyrgyzstan More less

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