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Mehmet TÜRKMEN | Cengiz BUYAR

Article | 2019 | European Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science5 ( 12 )

This monograph will address the following questions: “What was the perspective of Turkic peoples on wrestling branch of sports and what was the cultural aspect of wrestling for social structures and lifestyles of Turkic peoples? What type of a transformation did wrestle experience? What is its current state at national level?” Problem: The problem of this research pertains to the fact that the richness of traditional wrestling which is known to possess a deep-seated reputation in Turkish history of sports and occupy an affluent position in Turkish sports tradition is not well-reflected in the literature at national and international . . . levels, its traditional cultural elements are lost along with globalization and it is likely to end up being almost erased from national memories. Objective: This modest study sought to find an answer to the question as to how Turkic peoples perceived traditional wrestling in religious, national, political, military, economic and social domains of life and aimed to incorporate the finding into the literature rightly. Methodology: From among qualitative research methods, descriptive and comparative research techniques were implemented in this study. Result: It was deduced that wrestling which was one of the primary activities in socio-cultural structures and lifestyles of ancient Turkic peoples was viewed as a social value and even as a social norm beyond being just a branch of sports, possessed embedded and rich rituals, but began to lose its meaning along with the disappearance of most of these rituals, and even if it was affected adversely by globalization, there still existed affection towards wrestling and the wrestler. Keywords: Turkic peoples, wrestling, socio-cultural perspective, cultural perceptio More less

A horse game from the Ottoman empire to today's Anatolia: Lobud throwing


Chapter of Books | 2023 | Applications of Traditional Equestrian Sports in the World ( Chapter 12 )

A cop is a slightly elliptical, knot-free stick made of flexible and dry wood, the length of which is 80 cm, and the edges of which are blunted. The game played on horseback with this stick called cop is named particularly as ‘Egyptian Wood Game.’ It is a traditional equestrian game in which competitors on horseback try to make the sticks, by hitting them on the ground, bouncing over a thick rope connecting two poles with heights of 5-6 m and a distance of approximately 6-7 m in between. The Egyptian Wood Game played frequently in the Ottoman period and in the 1960s in Turkey was no more practiced in Turkey for the last fifty years . . .except in a few locations in West Anatolia. Significance: Almost every day, a traditional cultural element disappears also in Turkey which is among the countries deeply affected by the globalization of the world. This study was conducted because the scope of studies on these issues diminished and there were even no theoretical resources as sometimes there were no practical sources. Objective: Introduction of this traditional game, which does not exist in written records, to the Turkic sports literature by correctly underlining its rules and procedures. Methodology: Monograph was composed in the form of a compilation, also observations were included by paying a visit to Karapurcek town of Susurluk district of Balikesir province of Turkey and certainly unique and distinctive images were used. Result: It was deduced that Egyptian wood game which was known to be played in the palace and its environs in the late period of Ottomans was especially an integral part of social ceremonies in West Anatolia until the 1960s, and as of the 1960s, lost gradually its character making it the constituent part of festivals and at present, was practiced only in a limited format in a few small local festivals in combination with a performance of drum and clarion. Keywords: labut; Egyptian stick; cop (stick); equestrian sports; traditional gam More less


Mehmet TÜRKMEN | Cengiz BUYAR

Article | 2019 | Journal of International Social Research / Uluslararası Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi12 ( 66 )

Since the foundation of the Ottoman Empire, it has given importance to hunting which includes various developmental functions. In the short term, he has institutionalized from the center to the provincial with his deep-rooted experiences in horse hunting. A large number of units were created under this institution, a hierarchical structure was formed within each unit. Hunting with domestication of the horse; nutrition in the first stage, after the military skills development, entertainment-games and sports has been a common practice. Hunting in the Ottoman Empire, all these functions were taken into account. However, hunting and hun . . .ting expenses of some rulers have reached very large numbers, which in time has caused the great reactions of the people and / or soldiers. This study, which was carried out with the history scanning method, considering the wide scope of the Ottoman hunting organization and the frequency of its application, Bounded by the period of IV. Mehmed (1648-1687), a hunting organization, dated 03 February 1680, has also placed the archive document at the center of the study. The study was aimed to answer the questions of the role of hunting in the Ottoman Empire and the extent to which it was built. As a result; It is seen that the ruler of the Ottoman Empire sees the status of the people on the ground and fuses with the public, gets to know the bureaucrats he takes with him / herself and keeps a part of the army fit positive benefits. In this period, important wars in the west and the loss of important lands, accompanied by IV. Mehmed has been preoccupied with hunting curiosity and many fighter animals More less

Kyrgyz and Kazakhs in a forgotten horse sport: Valiant chase


Chapter of Books | 2023 | Applications of Traditional Equestrian Sports in the World ( Chapter 4 )

In Kyrgyz, “Dzhigit Kumay” and in Kazakhs “Dzhigit Kuu” as a team and evasion of this game in the form of the chase, Turkey full provision in Turkish “Yiğit Kovalama / Valiant Chasing” is. This equestrian game, which is almost forgotten, until 1922-26, was played extensively among the Turkic peoples in all Turkestan geography. To overcome the shortage of resources, which is almost nonexistent in the game, to provide a resource to researchers and future generations on the subject, this game is about to be forgotten, again to add to the national sports ring of the Turks.In a globalizing world, almost every day one of the national cult . . .ural circles’ ruptures, this situation brings uncompensated losses, and the field of study on these issues is shrinking. In the research, we aim to bring this national game back to the culture of the Turkish people by revealing all aspects of the valiant chase game (Dzhigit Kumay). Descriptive identification and comparison method were used in the study. The research covers the Central Asian Turkic communities, including Kyrgyzstan and South Siberia.The intolerance of the Soviet ideology to the survival of all traditional cultural elements of the Turkish people, the valiant chase game also took its share, until the independence of Turkestan in 1991, it was seldom played. Even after this date, only the Kyrgyz and especially the Kazakhs have tried to revive the game, but they were not successful in this. Keywords: Kyrgyz; equestrian sport; valiant chasin More less


Mehmet TÜRKMEN | Cengiz BUYAR

Article | 2020 | Journal of International Social Research / Uluslararası Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi13 ( 75 )

Bu monografi, Türkistan coğrafyasında homojen bir kültüre sahip olan Kazak, Kırgız, Özbek ve Uygurlar tarafından yapılmış, günümüzde ise unutulmaya yüz tutmuş, geleneksel atlı spor oyunlarından “At-Omıraulastıru” incelenecektir. At-Omıravlastıru, iki binicinin dizginlerle yönlendirmesi dışında bir müdahaleleri olmadan, atlarının göğsü veya kalçaları ile birbirini 10-15 metrelik daire dışına çıkarmak mücadelesiyle yapılan bir atlı oyundur. Çalışmada, spor dünyasında ve literatüründe bilinmeyen “at-omıravlastıru” yarışı; etimolojisi ve terminolojisi, lehçe ve ağız farklılıklarıyla açıklamak; oyunun dünü ve bugününü irdeleyip, Türk spo . . .r geleneğindeki yerini görebilmek; kural ve kaidelerini belirtip, Türk ve dünya spor literatürüne kazandırmaktır. Çalışmada niteliksel yaklaşım içinde yer alan desenlerden betimsel araştırma ve karşılaştırma modeli kullanılmıştır. Araştırma, Türkistan halklarından başta Kırgızlar olmak üzere Kazak, Özbek ve Uygurları kapsamaktadır. 1950-60 yıllarına kadar Türkistan halklarında popüler olduğu görülen at-omıraulastıru, günümüzde azda olsa Kazaklar ve Kırgızlar’da resmileştirilmiş kurallar çerçevesinde yarışılmakta, diğer Türk halklarında ise nerdeyse hiç yapılmadığı anlaşıldı. Türkistan’ın en popüler atlı oyunu olan ‘kök-börü’ ile siyimboz bir ilişki içinde olduğu ve onun için rezerv görevi üstlenip altyapısı niteliğini taşıdığı anlaşılmıştır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Türkistan Halkları, Atlı Kültür, Atlı Oyun, Atlı Mücadele. This monographic, made by Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Uzbek and Uyghurs, who have a homogeneous culture in Turkistan geography, today is about to be forgotten, Struggle of Horses, one of the traditional equestrian sports games, will be examined. Struggle of horses, without any intervention other than the two riders' reins, it is an equestrian game where horses struggle to get each other out of the 10-15-meter circle with their chest or hips. In the study, struggle of horses race, which is unknown in the sports world and literature; to explain its etymology and terminology with dialect differences; examining the past and present of the game and seeing its place in the Turkish sports tradition; to determine the rules and rules and to add them to Turkish and world sports literature. Descriptive research and comparison model, one of the designs included in the qualitative approach, was used in the study. The research covers mainly Kyrgyz, Kazakh, Uzbek and Uyghurs from Turkistan peoples. Struggle of horses, which was seen to be popular among Turkestan peoples until 1950-60, Today, the Kazakhs and the Kyrgyz are competing within the framework of formalized rules, it was understood that it was almost never done in other Turkish peoples. It is in a one-on-one relationship with “gray-wolf”, the most popular horse game in Turkistan and it has been understood that it acts as a reserve and acts as an infrastructure. Keywords: Turkistan Peoples, Equestrian Culture, Horse Game, Horse Fight More less



Chapter of Books | 2023 | Applications of Traditional Equestrian Sports in the World

Orta Asya Türk Halklarında Kadim Bir Atlı Spor: Ukuruk Salmaktuu- Qurık- Emdik Ürediş = An Old Horse Sports in Central Asian Turkish Communities: Ukuruk Salmaktyy- Quriks- Emdik Uredish


Article | 2019 | Turkish Studies14 ( 7 )

Bu çalışmada Türk halklarının Orta Asya bozkırlarında yabani ve yarı yabani atları yakalayarak ehlileştirme iş eyleminden kaynaklanan geleneksel atlı spor incelenecektir. Üç dönüşüm ve oluşum geçiren bu sporun ilk aşaması “Ukuruk-Salmay”, ikinci aşaması “Qurık” ve üçüncü aşaması “Emdik-Ürediş”tir. Oyunun bu son adını Altay Türkleri 30 yıldır (1988-2018) her çiftli yıllarda bir yaptıkları “El-oyun” festivalinde resmî olarak kullanmaktadırlar. Bu oyuna başından buyana iştirak eden Tuva, Hakas, Saka Şor, Teleüt, Tofa, Telengit, Telüt, Çulum, Dolgan, Dukha, Sibirya Tararları vb. Sibirya Türk halkları tarafından da biraz değişik lehçeler . . .lede olsa aynı şekilde isimlendirilir. Yöntem: Literatür taraması yapılmakla birlikte niteliksel yaklaşım içinde yer alan modellerden betimsel araştırma ve karşılaştırma yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Araştırma, Sibirya coğrafyasını da içine alan Orta Asya Türk halklarını kapsamaktadır. Bulgular: Türk halklarının yabani atı evcilleştirme aşamasında zorunlu olarak ortaya çıkmış, bir atlı oyundur. Dolayısıyla Türk-Moğol halklarının at ile yapılan spor türlerinden ilkidir. Araştırmanın amacı; Türk spor kültüründe baş öneme sahip atlı oyun ve sporları geçirdiği devinimlerle birlikte gün yüzüne çıkarıp, Türk ve dünya spor literatürüne kazandırmaktır. Sonuç: Geleneksel atlı sporun ilk versiyonu ukuruk-salmay, daha ziyade Kırgızların kullandığı ve hala nadir olarak yaylalarda yapmakta olunan bir atlı oyundur. İkincisi qurık, Türk halklarının yaylalara konduklarında iki yaşındaki tayların sırtına ilk eyer koymak için düzenledikleri bir oyun ritüelidir. Üçüncüsü emdik-ürediş ise Sibirya Türk halklarında hala aktif bir yarışma şeklinde yapılmakta olduğu görülmüştür. Bu oyunun kökü insanın çalışma hayatından gelmiş ve sonradan halk eğlencesi ve yarış şeklinde devam etmiştir More less



Article | 2021 | International Journal of Life science and Pharma Research (IJLPR) ( Special Issue: 14 )

This study tries to trace the cultural elements that the Kyrgyz people's national entertainments and games played in Kyrgyzstan embodied in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and to determine their place in social structure and life. Importance: Traditional games performed in the national entertainments also serve as a cultural representation. Symbols, ceremonies and rituals that bring people together not only strengthen bonds between individuals in a society and provide social integration, but also keep the society alive by helping the society to maintain its traditions through sports tradition, and make value judgements and m . . .orals take root. Understanding the Kyrgyz people's national entertainments and traditional sports games undoubtedly shed light on other aspects of the social life of the Kyrgyz people and even other Turkestan peoples. Objective: It is aimed to define Kyrgyz national festivals and the traditional games performed in Kyrgyzstan; to define some social-cultural institutions, national and religious elements taking part in the form and intellectual elements of the games held in festival events; to explain important cultural elements that were changed or transformed, lost and about to disappear. Method: Descriptive research and comparison model, which is one of the patterns in the qualitative approach, was used in a chronological framework limited to the late 19th century and early 20th century. Conclusion: Kyrgyz national festivals took part in every stage of their social structure and life such as politics, religion, economy, family and etc. and the traditional games, whose performance in these activities is an ancient tradition, were performed intensively during the period of the study as well. The Kyrgyz people characterized the games as the supplements and protectors of their cultural heritage with the concern of losing their national identity and they were able to ensure the continuity of the traditional bond with these games and managed the continuity of the traditional bond with these games More less

Archaic Tracks of Kyrgyz Traditional Sports Games


Article | 2021 | Pakistan Journal of Medical & Health Sciences (PJMHS)15 ( 2 )

Background: As a product of certain historical conditions for the development of society, physical culture and sport make up the sum total of the historically emerging consequences of one's spiritual activity. In this study, the background of Kyrgyz traditional sports, one of the oldest Turkic peoples and have a profound history, will be examined. The Kyrgyz have created several steppe-nomadic lifestyle-coherent sports, particularly equestrian games, shooting, and wrestling, by their national will and qualifications. Aim: To determine the natural conditions creating traditional sports, the factors determining the practical characte . . .r of sports, and the pedagogical and socio-cultural benefits provided to the Kyrgyz people. Methods: In terms of the research method; while it is possible to examine the subject with several methods, the historical method was used among these methods. The limitation of the study was today's Kyrgyzstan and its historical geographies. As a result; Kyrgyz traditional sports, which were understood to be intellectual and moral as well as physical, had taken place in every phase of the social structure and life of the Kyrgyz. Results: There have been a number of inputs and outputs according to the necessities of the time. The economic life of the Kyrgyz people to be based on husbandry, being nomadic peoples, the rough natural and climatic conditions they live in, war-prone structure of the old world determined the style and demand of these sports. Thanks to their pedagogy, customary customs and traditions were ensured to be respected. Conclusion: In practical terms, on the other hand, this enabled the Kyrgyz people to overcome all these difficulties and thus, the Kyrgyz people took its place in the history books as a strong soldier and a rider people More less

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