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How is the Risk Tolerance of Individual Investors in Kyrgyzstan?

Raziyahan ABDİYEVA

Article | 2014 | Asian Economic and Financial Review4 ( 3 )

Investment and saving behaviour of individuals are important issues in the economies. Risk tolerance of investors affects the investment decisions. In Kyrgyzstan, a transition economy, while the investment resources are high, savings of individuals in financial organizations are low. This study analyses the risk tolerance of individual investors in Kyrgyzstan and determines the factors influencing investor types. In the study multinomial logit model is used to determine these factors. The findings of the study show that men take more risk than women in Kyrgyzstan. When the age increases people become less risk lover. Having non-wage . . . income increases taking risk and increases in the rate of investment. The findings also indicate that income has a positive effect on the risk loving sense More less

Girişimcilik eğiliminin bireysel öncüllerinin incelenmesi

Murat AVCI | Kadir ARDIÇ

Article | 2022 | Sakarya Üniversitesi İşletme Enstitüsü Dergisi4 ( 1 )

Bu çalışmada girişimcilik ve girişim oluşturma sürecini daha iyi anlamak için çevresel ve bilişsel faktörlere odaklanılmıştır. Kontrol odağı, girişimci öz yeterlilik, girişimcilik eğilimi, öznel norm ve belirsizlikten kaçınma arasındaki ilişkiler açıklanmaya çalışılmıştır. Bu araştırma Sakarya Üniversitesi, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi ve Aydın Adnan Menderes Üniversitesinde İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi ve İşletme Fakültesinde girişimcilik dersi alan ve girişimcilik planı olan 200 öğrenci üzerine yapılmıştır. Veri toplama aracı olarak Levenson Kontrol Odağı ölçeği, Girişimci öz yeterlilik ölçeği, belirsizlikten kaçınma ve ö . . .znem norm ölçeği kullanılmıştır. Kullanılan başlıca analizler ise betimleyici istatistikler, geçerlilik ve güvenilirlik analizleri, korelasyon ve regresyon analizi ve diğer istatistiki analizlerdir. Bireylerin öz yeterlilik inancı, kontrol odak durumu, belirsizlikten kaçınma algısı ve öznel norm algısı öğrencilerin girişimciliğe eğilimini bilişsel açıdan etkilemesi söz konusudur. Bu doğrultuda korelasyon analizi sonucu belirsizlikten kaçınma değişkeni diğer değişkenlerle anlamı ve pozitif ilişki gösterirken, öznel norm sadece kariyer eğilimi ve girişimci öz yeterlilik ile anlamlı ve pozitif ilişki, Girişimci (kariyer) eğilimi ise kontrol odağı ve girişimci öz yeterlilik değişkenlerinde anlamlı ve pozitif ilişki göstermiştir. Regresyon analizinde ise girişimcilik eğilimi üzerinde girişimci öz yeterliliğin pozitif yönde ve düşük bir etkisi olduğu saptanmıştır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Girişimcilik Eğilimi, Girişimci Öz Yeterlilik, Kontrol Odağı, Belirsizlikten Kaçınma, Öznel Nor More less

Heteroscedastic probit model: An application of home ownership in Turkey


Article | 2012 | Regional and Sectoral Economic Studies12 ( 2 )

This study examines the factors affecting the possibility of owning a house in Turkey using probit models. Moreover, it focuses on the heteroscedasticity problem that is ignored in most of the probit applications. The results obtained from the study indicate that besides the demographic characteristics of the head of the household, education, employment, and income are also influential factors in regard to home ownership. Besides these things, evidence indicates that the choice to live in either rural or urban areas has a significant impact on home ownership.

The relationship between financial development and economic growth in emerging markets = Gelişen piyasalarda finansal gelişme ve ekonomik büyüme arasındaki ilişki


Article | 2012 | Trakya Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi / Trakya University Journal of Social Science14 ( 2 )

With the negative impacts of the recent global financial crisis, several countries are still experiencing a slow pace in their rate of economic recovery. This trend has been consistent since the first quarter of 2009, taking into consideration that financial systems were the most affected. In addition, economic recovery has been fragile due to several reasons. For instance, there have been increased uncertainties on the performance and sustainability of the U.S. economy. Moreover, different country groups have had divergent economic performance which limit of a consistent economic growth. As the monetary authorities strived to stabi . . .lize their financial systems, European economies were exposed to increased risk of sovereign defaults and this worsened the rate of economic recovery. Countries such as Turkey were exposed to a fluctuating and weak global economy. However, Turkish economic recovery in 2010 was boosted by increased business and consumer demand, particularly due to monetary easing measures and fiscal stimulus packages. These policies were instrumental in maintaining positive growth in the last four quarters of 2010. As the financial systems continued to stabilize, Turkey was able to record the fastest recovery among European and OECD nations. Its rate of economic growth was one of the highest across the world. Emerging markets were recipient to capital inflows in 2010 especially because of high global risk appetite. Authorities in several developing economies were able to record strong economic growth due to sound financial systems, strong economic growth, high nominal interest rates and prudent public finance management. Yakın zamanda yaşanan küresel mali krizin olumsuz etkilerine maruz kalan bazı ülkelerin ekonomik iyileşme hızları halen oldukça düşüktür. Finansal sistemlerin bu durumdan en çok etkilenen bünyeler olduğu dikkate alındığında, bu trendin 2009 yılının ilk çeyreğinden beri aynı şekilde sürdüğü görülmektedir. Buna ek olarak ekonomik iyileşme, birkaç neden yüzünden hassastır. Örneğin ABD ekonomisinin performansı ve sürdürülebilirliği üzerindeki belirsizlikler artmıştır. Bundan başka farklı ülke grupları, tutarlı bir ekonomik büyümeyi sınırlayan birbirinden ayrı ekonomik performanslara sahiptir. Parasal yetkili kurumlar finansal sistemlerini stabilize etmeye çalışmasına karşın, Avrupa ekonomileri devlet borçlarının ödenememesi riskiyle karşı karşıya kalmış ve bu durumda ekonomik iyileşme oranlarını daha da kötüleştirmiştir. Türkiye gibi gelişen ülkeler, kararsız ve zayıf bir küresel ekonomiye maruz kalmıştır. Ancak Türkiye’nin 2010 yılında yaşadığı ekonomik iyileşme, artan iş ve tüketici talepleri ile daha da desteklenmiştir. Bunun sebebi özellikle mali piyasaların rahatlatılması ve güçlü mali teşvik paketleridir. Mali sistemler istikrarlı olmaya devam ettikçe Türkiye, AB ve OECD ülkeleri arasında görülen en hızlı ekonomik iyileşmeye sahip olacaktır. Kamu otoriteleri ekonomilerinde; sağlam finansal sistemler, güçlü ekonomik büyüme, yüksek nominal faiz oranları ve dikkatli mali yönetim sayesinde güçlü bir ekonomik büyüme kaydedebilmiştir More less

Development of the Banking System in Kyrgyzstan: An Historical Review and Current Challenges = Kırgızistan'da Bankacılık Sisteminin Gelişimi: Tarihsel İnceleme ve Güncel Sorunlar


Review | 2018 | Sosyoekonomi26 ( 38 )

Banking in transition economies differs from developing and developed economies with market system. This study aims to review development of the banking system in Kyrgyzstan since independence. The period under consideration is divided into five stages, each of which has a main distinctive aspect. Despite considerable achievements in last fifteen years the banking system still remains vulnerable to external shocks. Moreover, insufficient institutional infrastructure is one of the fundamental factors retarding further development of the banking system.

Döviz Kurunun Çıktı Üzerindeki Etkisi: Geçiş Ülkeleri Örneği = The Impact of Exchange Rate on Output: Evidence from Transition Countries


Proceedings Paper | 2016 | International Conference on Eurasian Economies / Uluslararası Avrasya Ekonomileri Konferansı

This study investigates the impact of exchange rate on aggregate output for a group of 10 transition economies using panel simultaneous equation model. The model is estimated by generalized two-stage least squares method. The annual data used in the study cover the period from 1998 to 2014 for selected transition countries which are: Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Ukraine and Latvia. The result of the study indicates that there is a relationship between exchange rate and macroeconomic variables under consideration. It can be concluded that output effect of exchange rate changes is . . .contractionary in the first year. In the second year this impact is completely reversed. Thus, the impact of exchange rate on output is neutral in the long run. The findings of the study will provide useful information to researchers and policymakers focusing on exchange rate issues in transition countries More less

Сравнительный анализ показателей Турции и тюркоязычных республик в индикаторе «создание предприятия» индекса Doing Business


Article | 2019 | Экономика Центральной Азии3 ( 4 )

В настоящее время индекс Doing Business является одним из важнейших инструментов, отражающий качество инвестиционной среды стран и показывающий потенциал привлечения иностранного капитала в экономику. В этом контексте несомненно вызывает интерес какое место занимает тюркоязычные страны, такие как Кыргызстан, Казахстан, Узбекистан, Азербайджан и Турция в данном индексе. Как известно, тюркоязычные страны из бывшего Советского союза провозгласили независимость в 90-х годах прошлого столетия и имеют небольшой опыт в условиях рыночной экономики, в то время как, Турция является одной из стран большой двадцатки с достаточно большим опытом . . .рыночных отношений. Целью данной статьи является изучение и сравнение индикатора “создание предприятия” Турции и тюркоязычных стран индекса Doing Business на основе отчета Всемирного Банка за 2018 год. Кроме того, в рамках данной работы будут оценены эффективные практики в процедуры создания предприятия в рассматриваемых странах More less

Uncertainty Perpetuated? The Pitfalls of a Weakly Institutionalized Party System in Kyrgyzstan


Article | 2017 | Central Asian Affairs4 ( 1 )

The parliamentary elections in Kyrgyzstan in October 2015 garnered widespread approval from commentators for the level of fairness and freedom maintained throughout the campaign. However, the results of the vote do not provide a clear indication of the current state of affairs of parliamentarism in the republic. Focusing on the commercialization of party lists, we argue that neither identity politics nor the logic of neopatrimonialism adequately explain the dynamics of political competition in Kyrgyzstan. Instead, we see perpetual uncertainty emerging from contradicting yet increasing attempts to harness the capital of privatized pa . . .rty lists and to impose discipline. Eventually, and beyond short-term threats of an emerging super-presidentialism, Kyrgyzstan risks suffering from hollow parliamentarism, with political parties persistently failing to supply legislative initiatives with substantial agendas and adequate professionals. The weakly institutionalized political parties and their short-sighted electoral strategies undermine both the parliamentary system and its political pluralism More less

The Effect of Ownership Structure on Financial Reporting Timeliness: An Implementation on Borsa Istanbul

Gökhan ÖZER

Article | 2023 | Sage Open13 ( 4 )

The purpose of the current study is to investigate the influence of corporate and foreign ownership structures on the timeliness of financial reporting. The sample of the study consists of 2,204 observations obtained from 208 companies trading in Borsa Istanbul between 2008 and 2019. Multiple regression analysis was conducted, and the relationship between ownership structure and financial reporting timelinesses was investigated. The findings indicate that corporate and foreign ownership are significantly and negatively associated with financial reporting timeliness. Robustness analysis was carried out using the two-stage GMM method, . . . and it was determined that there was no endogeneity problem. The results provide valuable information for financial reporting users, such as investors, companies, regulators, policymakers, and auditors, and will aid them in their decision-making processes as it reduces information asymmetry and contributes to the improvement of the financial reporting quality. Keyword: Borsa Istanbul; financial reporting; ownership structure; timelines More less

Investigation on properties of cement mortar with bottom ash and perlite


Article | 2022 | Structural Concrete23 ( 6 )

Perlite and some recycled materials are preferably used to provide thermal insulation and lightness in mortar. Cement is often used as a binder in such a composite, although it makes the composite heavier and impairs its insulation properties. In this study, recycled bottom ash (BA) and expanded perlite (EP) as the aggregate, and cement as the binder and the optimum solution were investigated by using Taguchi Method. Depending on the specimens prepared using orthogonal array L9, the values of compressive strength, flexural strength, flowability, dry unit weight, water absorption, capillarity coefficient, and thermal conductivity coe . . .fficient were calculated. In general, it was found that the cement dosage was the most effective parameter and the thermal conductivity coefficient increased in parallel with the increase in unit weight and strength More less

Kırgızistan Enerji Tüketiminin Ayrıştırma Yöntemiyle Analizi (2002-2011) = Decomposition Methods for the Analysis of Energy Consumption in Kyrgyzstan (2002-2011)


Article | 2015 | Ege Akademik Bakış : Ekonomi, İşletme, Uluslararası İlişkiler ve Siyaset Bilimi Dergisi15 ( 1 )

Bu çalışma 2002-2011 yılları arasında Kırgızistan ekonomisi için sektörel enerji tüketimini ayrıştırma yöntemiyle analiz etmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Çalışmanın sonuçlarına göre sektörel enerji tüketiminin çıktı ve yapısal etki nedeniyle arttığı, yoğunluk etkisi nedeniyle düştüğü görülür. Ayrıca diğer iki etkiye göre çıktı etkisi sektörel enerji tüketimi üzerinde en güçlü etkiye sahiptir. Sektörel enerji tüketimi üretim artışı ile daha çok ilşkili olduğu için, Kırgızistan ekonomisinde 2000 yılından sonra görülen hızlı ekonomik büyüme, çıktı etkisini enerji tüketimindeki artışın en önemli faktörü haline getirmiştir. Yapısal etki, milli gel . . .ir içinde tarım sektörünün payının azalmasına ve sanayi sektörünün payının artmasına bağlı olarak enerji tüketimindeki değişime arttırıcı yönde etki yapmıştır. Yoğunluk etkisi ise diğer iki etkinin tersine, ekonomide teknolojik gelişim bakımından son yıllarda görülen iyilştirmeler ve dışa açılma gibi nedenlerle enerji tüketimini düşürücü yönde etki yapmıştır. = This paper aims to investigate sectorial (service, industry and agriculture)energy consumption in Kyrgyzstan economy for the 20025-2011 periods. The results indicate that the primary energy consumption has been increased as a result of production and structural effect but decreased as for intensity effect. Also production effect has the strongest influence on primary energy consumption in accordance with other two effects. It has been clearly seen that sectoral energy consumption increase with production closely. Rise in primary energy consumption during 2002-2011 periods was mostly due to rise in production. Similarly, structure effect has been come to conclusion as positive correlation with primary energy consumption because of increase in relative share of energy intensive sectors (especially industry) in national income. However results for intensity effect shows that till 2009, it decreased primary energy consumption, but after 2009, there has been moderate decrease in energy intensity in Kyrgyzstan economy More less

A simulation model for managing outsourcing decisions

Arman Teksin TEVFİK

Article | 2010 | International Journal of Management and Enterprise Development9 ( 2 )

The aim of this research is to contribute into the development of a strategic and systematic outsourcing decision-making framework for practitioners. In this regard, the authors propose a concrete decision framework that would incorporate quantitative measures and financial dimensions in outsourcing decision-making process. In addition, the authors also provide a platform to make outsourcing decisions under high uncertainty levels associated with insufficient and/or imprecise data. For this purpose, Monte Carlo simulation is used to evaluate the financial results of an outsourcing decision based on a real industrial case. On the oth . . .er hand, to express the environmental uncertainties and market dynamics into the analysis, fuzzy set theory is utilised. Therefore, this research, as dealing with one of the most important topics in industrial management, provides a better decision framework for practitioners using appropriate quantitative techniques. - Keywords: investment analysis; risk analysis; outsourcing; decision making; quantitative measures; uncertainty levels; insufficient data; imprecise data; Monte Carlo simulation; financial results; environmental uncertainties; market dynamics; fuzzy set theory; industrial management; electronics industry; Turkey More less

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